Saturday, September 06, 2008

That, Plus Word Jumbles, Comics, and Coupons

• Above, the Mystery Lady enjoys a digital sunset. (The Flickr page for this image? Right here, buddy.)

• Notes from the couple of art exhibits I've attended recently:
- Kehinde Wiley is a badass.
- Fahamou Pecou's deal where he paints these gigantic images of himself on the covers of various magazine is an ingenious ploy. I remember I heard about him when the Fader gave him some press after he, you know, made a painting of himself on the cover of the Fader.
- At the "Reset/Play" show at Arthouse, I saw an installation piece that made me think that if there's a market for this sort of thing, then B-Rett has all the materials necessary to become like the next Jeff Koons.

• From the "It's Fun to Pretend that You Care" file: I am, despite evidence to the contrary, hard at work on making new comic-type work for your enjoyment and perusal. In fact, I had a creative meeting with one S. Higginbotham today, so there should be a bunch of stuff pretty soon.

• I'm not big on blogs as written by celebrities, but I have decided to make an exception for Bai Ling's blog for the following reasons: 1. I don't know who Bai Ling is. 2. Her blog is either as unintentionally hilarious as Battlefield Earth or she's a secret genius. My favorite post so far is "I llook. Like a little sexy fox...... [sic]"

• Football season has started. So. Get used to "stories" like this "printed" here on CFY,K:

"Don't Fret, B-Rett"

While, yes, you just lost your number one stunner fantasy QB for the season, I wouldn't worry too much about it, especially if you can get Matt Cassel. Anybody with that much time in the pocket and Randy Moss to throw to is going to put up serious points every week. Also, if I was a betting man, I'd say that the Patriots may well sign recently-retired Daunte Culpepper. (Especially since mere moments after concocting this theory, I found out that it has legs on Wikipedia.)


Anonymous said...

I am left to assume that it is the Mystery Lady's influence that has led you to create such an arty post, since you've known me for YEARS and my art-yammering has never led to such a thing. It is refreshing, however, to know that I don't need to keep minutes of our creative meetings, since the transcript can be found here in blog form.

Anonymous said...

All I know is I picked up Culpepper based on our conversation and that like 5000000 blogs or "legit" news sources have since pointed out that VP-to-be Sarah Palin was the stripper/teacher from Varsity Blues.