Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Careful, the beverage you're about to enjoy is extremely hot.


✖ There's about to be some serious changes around here. And by "here," I mean the entire planet. Think so? Think so.

✖ But wait! Will this new online HQ effect the goings-on over here at CFY,K? I can say, with some confidence: almost certainly. Will the name change? Is an entirely new URL in the works? I am not sure as of yet. I am right now in the processes of thinking thing through and of pooling my resources. We will see what happens. A lot of it, dear reader, may well be left up to you. Needless to say, anyone who reads this will be kept abreast of any potential changes going on. As for your suggestions, I hope that you have some. Post comments. I read them all.

Kanye geeks out. Lately, me an 'Ye've been on the same damn page. (via Crunk & Disorderly)

✖ Jay P. Otro is putting Team Fahs on blast.

✖ It is, believe it or not, already in the mail, Higgy-baby.

✖ Anvil Rabbit's rapid response notwithstanding, the relentless Shamanzo-baiting continues.


Monday, September 26, 2005

(But I ain't that lonely yet)

oh snap

✖ First things, um, second. I have, over the past few days, driven hundreds of miles, connected with representatives from Camdonia, Dio Rai Janeiro, Shaflorracia, and the extended Team Fahs Network. I have gone crazy buck shit, and been hated on for it. I have fielded haranguing shaved Nebraskan phone calls re the Sarchicha vs. Sarceecha debate. (And for that, I must refer to my man Hov.) I will also say that Day 2 Part 2 went way the hell better than Day 2 Part 1.

✖ What with the Camdonians representing, I will now switch all comment-baiting towards Old Man Nicholas. Hiebradond seems to be drifting away, and I don't like it.


✖ Zeke is way more awesome than any of us.

✖ Bouncers are all secretly photographers. Where Dean at?

✖ The watercolorist equivalent to one Jason Duncan may well be this cat Walton Ford. (I may or may not have heard about him in the premier issue of Men's Vogue. Shut up.)

✖ It's been a minute since I've let something like this slip, but anyway I'm in this poetry class these days and I don't even like poetry, but the class itself is kind of amazing, and it's constantly making me think of the nature of writing, and what I think good work ought to look like. And I, today, submit that a decent poem ought to be an exercise in reduction. Stripped of any excess weight and reduced to its essential parts. If it is muscular and quick and lean then it will win in a fight. I want poets to write poetry like Schulz drew Charlie Brown.

✖ Oh, you know I copped the new Cocorosie. Sit tight, Higginblaze!

✖ What are you doing tonight? (Two PBS links on one post! Setting records today, kids.)


Saturday, September 24, 2005

posterity's sake

✖ It's been a while since I've had an update.

And I gotta tell you ... I am just not ready to have a new template. I can't seem to make a new one work sufficiently.

Seriously. If anyone knows how to do this shit, Get the fuck at me. (I'm looking at you, Lamar.)

✖ If I were (still) a radio DJ, right now I'd be saying: "I want to send a nice big housewarming hello out to my favorite New San Antonians. They know who they are, ha ha ..."

✖ Speaking of Our Favorite Higginblatts, two things:

1. I didn't call you back. And I'm sorry for this. I got all tied up. I will instead call you extremely late at night.

2. The Higginblazes just sent me the most incredible package ever:


Look at that thing. It's fucking incredible. Can you imagine opening a package and having this be inside? No. You can't. Because the Higginbothams don't send y'alls' stank asses packages ever.

And it's cross-referenced!

✖ Wait wait wait. The Devil Himself and .45 & A Shovel on the same show? I think I smell a takeover. (Word to Jay P. Otro. (Check out Old Dad handling shit!))

✖ B-rett's looking especially fly these days, I gotta admit.

✖ Movie nerds, let the waiting begin.

✖ An exquisite sting felt whenever that kid Catch scoops me on an especially hot link.

✖ So. You've read this far now? Then you win the prize. (Don't say I never gave you nothin'.)


Tuesday, September 20, 2005


New Template Teaser.

Bwa ha ha


Monday, September 19, 2005

The Lamentation


● I figured I'd make the opening graphic all cultured, because this post gets pretty pop-trashy from here on in. So. A little Giotto.

● Man. I just sit in my bedroom not moving at all somehow getting hipper and hipper. But not really.

● I am, since yesterday, wearing that Mobile 17 ringtone thing the fuck out.

● I am now a little bit poorer. Awesome. (You'll get your money, Ladyface.)

● Finally found online! official Dio Rai Janeiro headwear!

● I have a feeling we'll be out of oil in, like, twenty-two months. I don't care. I want a Paul Smith Triumph. (As featured in the photo issue of Esquire, which you should really only purchase because you get to see Keira Knightley's right nipple.)

● Here I am bitching about how there's no more Grand Royal, and then this one cat Stephen McBean starts being all completely amazing all the time. (There's something about a middle ground being struck between several Sarchichan sets of tastes that seems to be happening with these freaks.)

●I wonder how Camdonia feels about the Revolution controller.

One day they will respond.

●Speaking of them cats. We just had the (ahem) Best Idea Ever:

stupid gauntlet

Unfortunately, come draft day, I don't think any of us gets The Miz. (Strangely, we are dead serious, though not as serious as these weirdos.)

Either way, Fahsboro Feelers are detecting a distinct air of disgust wafting over from Hiebradond. And I say to Hiebradond: Well. Where's your map-sketch, mang? Answer me that!

● Higginblatt is right now crossing the country, headed for San Antonio. I wish we could get one of those maps with, like,the dotted line keeping us all up to the minute.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

You Haven't Have You?

rf deck 1

Rodney Ronsonol & all the boys up at the Fahsboro Deisgn Lab are hoping that the idea above makes it to production.

● Yo, .45 & A Shovel Ringtones? I'll take it. (Although, at press time, I haven't been able to make it work.)

● The video for the White Stripes' Doorbell is kind of awesome, I think. And it even comes equipped with a favorable Purpology review. (I don't have TV.)

● Dude, I want to be one of those cats that just kicks it all day and has money and resources and my own signature wine and I can just make up and market crazy shit. Sarchicha would eat good.

(I just accidentally typed "eat god" instead of "eat good" and was thinking about how sometimes the mistakes you make are actually more telling than what you intended and then I remembered that I'm back in college taking poetry classes.)

More fun fun with Google Maps.

● In the hood like bootleg movies.

● From the Interest Fading Fast Department: What Katie Did.


Saturday, September 17, 2005

Listen, Lady

● I have yet to receive any Sarchichan Map Submissions. Just thought I'd, you know, remind.

● Looking around on this urban legend website a while ago, and I decided that just believing in some weird crap is way more interesting than, like, not believing it.

● Today, world-domination! Tomorrow, the universe! (I only put this here, to be honest, for the H-Bomb. And because it's the coolest thing ever. Zoom in all the way.)

● Holleration, Jay P. Otro.

The site is pretty awesome, but not as awesome as the sick Dipset belt buckle from six months ago flash application. ("The most technologically advanced piece of clothing since the Hypercolor t-shirt." Word the fuck up.)


Thursday, September 15, 2005


Ok ok ok. First, off: illseed's rumor mill put me onto this. But do it. It rules. Go to Google. Type in "failure." Like the man says, don't hit "Google Search." Hit "I'm Feeling Lucky."

Fun AquaTeen Links.

(The Camdonian Comment Baiting continues.)

Way to steal my idea, Belle and Sebastien.

There's this new thing you have to do to post comments. Aren't you curious about that? (Little lonesome these days.)


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

O thin men of Haddam


Oh, y'all ain't heard? I did not belabor the point enough? Old B-E-E's got a new book out. So. Cue the Less Than Zero graffiti, right?


I very nearly forgot how funny this shit is.


Oakland! Go ahead and have a cow.


Check out .45 on the radio! Our Man Skritch is handling shit.


If you could ever, really, sidle up next to Wallace Stevens, you would really be onto something.


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Best Company Ever



A Turnip Cures Elvis


I don't think anyone knows how routers work.


The Devil Himself compilation Listen, Lady (Which may or may not spawn a video compendium called Look, Bitch) is coming along nicely. Tired of hearing about it? Want a little preview? Well, here you go.


More Music:

I don't know when, but Catchdubs made a remix that was absolutely built for The Dizzle.

(You know what? They got a gang of good shit over there.)


Whoever made the TeleCrapper is a motherfucking genius. (The shit's for real.) (What do I have to do to get Camdonians to leave a comment?)

Semi-related: On the Sneakers Collector's Edition DVD there's a, you know, making-of documentary, and old Captain Crunch is interviewed. Cats in Dio Rai Janeiro were, like, just talking about that guy.



Sunday, September 11, 2005


Today is September 11th.

I don't mean to trivialize. In fact, I mean to un-trivialize:

Um, what the hell has to happen on a day before it becomes a National Holiday? You know?

I mean. The Fourth of July wasn't officially recognized until 1870. But, I mean. They were still figuring shit out in 1870. (Wikipedia is the shit.)


"I don't carry around any bits of equipment - except my knife." - Keith Richards in the current Rolling Stone in response to the question "Do you have an iPod?"


Remember the Alamo.


Yo, It's Late

remember college



The new deal is this: Everyone within the hallowed halls of the ICS now has the right to submit any sort of sketch for their proposed idea for THE MAP. (It being, as it most certainly is, up to all of us.) Direct submissions to me. All submissions will be reviewed by the Security Council first, and then by the ICS at large. Get crackin'. Initially the deadline was going to be Friday, but I have used my official Fahsboro Veto Power (or something) to extend the "due date" to NEXT SUNDAY. 10 P.M. EST.

In the meantime, here's a free TV On the Radio .mp3.

It happens to me that I just sort of get over authors. You know? Like, I read everything they ever wrote and I'm pretty into it for a while, but then there's this breaking point where I'm not into it anymore, and more than that I think that they weren't that good to begin with. Ah. But then they release another book. And I've already read every other fucking thing they did and so I might as well read the new one, too, you know? And then maybe it's not bad. And it has an interesting accompanying website. (With semi-spoilers. So look out.) Right. You know.

I saw this on Screenhead and I thought it was something my sister might dig.

So. Um. That's what that's about.

(Cheer up, Higginbotham. You're leaving Gotham.)


Thursday, September 08, 2005

More Sarchichan preview art below. (Fahsboro's killin' 'em these days.)

the crest?2

I stayed up late as hell making the Crest but then I couldn't sleep so I listened to this public radio thing about Salinger. It's in Real format, but it beats the shit out of paying six bucks for it on iTunes.

Li'l Skritch is putting .45 & A Shovel on Montana radio. Making moves, son!

I mean. Really. What do you say to the Vice President? Because it's tough to like a guy that's always been the boss.

Music video blog.

Standing in the Hiebradondic Forests smoking cigarettes beside a large fire.

Fiona's got killer videos up now, too. Including an insane one from Largo. Remember that shit? Best night ever.

See all that stuff in there? That's why your robot never worked.

All I know is that that part on "Gone" from Kanye's album where Cam's like "Old man just gon' tell 'em ..." is the shit.

And. Um. Baker 3 just came out. (Do the world a favor and don't buy it from the internet.)

Ayo, what's up with CAMDONIA these days?


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Relax, NY


pink sunset view 2

A little poem today:

I live on a street
I try not to walk on.

Were I to run into
Past Self: excitable, irresponsible,
it might ruin everything.

(A concept introduced in Back to the Future II)

Hate if you must, The Boy has a feeling Old Anvil's got his back.

"www.nw1.ru" is spraypainted really shittily on this wall you can see from my third-story porch. Also, I saw this bumper sticker the other day that said "SUBVERT THE DOMINANT PARADIGM." And I was like, "Yeah, man. Do the shit out of that."

A little FancyNerd resource for you.
(via A Silent Flute.)

Early contender for official Fahsboro uniform.

I've been reading a little Cosmo Baker lately. Really all those cats, like Catchdubs and Canary Burgundy and, you know, like, OxyCottontail. That whole weird collective of people that I don't know.

I think the ICS HQ'll be like a more-unified version of a community like that. And I can't wait. And right when I started talking about ancient maps and shit, this comes out. Because they're inside my head, you see.

From Marcy to Hollywood.


Monday, September 05, 2005

And They Were One

moleskine site map

The Sarchichan HQ is on the way.

I'm probably a little late on this. Black Mountain's got big, sick fuzzy riffs.

I just read The Last Opium Den by Nick Tosches. It's the shit. A quote:

"All the pills and all the whoredom of psychotherapy in the world are nothing compared with the ancient Coptic words of the Gospel of Thomas: 'If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.' It is as simple and unsolvable as that."

Do you remember when there was a record label called Grand Royal and everything, they put out, whether you were into it or not, was a good record? Like, they didn't really have a bad record. (I mean, like, I was never into the Kostars, but, I mean. It wasn't bad.) And the Beastie Boys were still really awesome. I guess Rough Trade is the closest thing going. At least for the next ten minutes before the motherfuckin' Swillpro / Red Letter / Listen, Lady conglom takes over everything & shuts shit the fuck down.

St. Simons on blast. (Am I ever happy I don't fuckin' live there no more.)


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Old Map



A little Sarcheechan [sic] design preview suggestion style.

The Hit Count is what it is. All I know about it is that swimsuit models read CFY,K. Needless to say, that is okay with me.

Pulling links off of The Fader is, maybe, cheating. But, yo, when Hova's doing commentary wearing a shirt that I own, I feel like I have to tell you all about it.

File Under: catching up with DiFlankSteak. I, too, will learn, and then it will be on.


Saturday, September 03, 2005

Open the Oven Up


I don't know how to make ringtones, Double-L, but, um. I still love technology. Always and Forever.

I think The Dev' Self is going to have to come out with this mixtape. Ronsonol says it's a go. Shit ain't gonna be any damn Nana's Mixtape, though. Sarchichan musicians send all next level shit my way. Dextones, Benweezy, this means you. I'm thinking We've Lost You chopped & screwed.

Yo. Yes.


On a similar Camdonian tip, you can get SKÄB's greatest hits online.

On a similarer note, I don't have cable, so this shit's getting realer every day.

The soon-to-be Mr. Higginbotham is now open for business.


Friday, September 02, 2005


Sneakerheads & computer geeks are really the same people.

Shamanzo's boy Yeskel still kills shit. (Apparently he's got a show in Los Feliz.)

That San Antonio idea is looking better and better:


They're just gonna move in like the Royal Higginbaums or some shit.

This shit is hilarious.

I got a feeling that Nebraska needs.