Sunday, September 11, 2005

Yo, It's Late

remember college



The new deal is this: Everyone within the hallowed halls of the ICS now has the right to submit any sort of sketch for their proposed idea for THE MAP. (It being, as it most certainly is, up to all of us.) Direct submissions to me. All submissions will be reviewed by the Security Council first, and then by the ICS at large. Get crackin'. Initially the deadline was going to be Friday, but I have used my official Fahsboro Veto Power (or something) to extend the "due date" to NEXT SUNDAY. 10 P.M. EST.

In the meantime, here's a free TV On the Radio .mp3.

It happens to me that I just sort of get over authors. You know? Like, I read everything they ever wrote and I'm pretty into it for a while, but then there's this breaking point where I'm not into it anymore, and more than that I think that they weren't that good to begin with. Ah. But then they release another book. And I've already read every other fucking thing they did and so I might as well read the new one, too, you know? And then maybe it's not bad. And it has an interesting accompanying website. (With semi-spoilers. So look out.) Right. You know.

I saw this on Screenhead and I thought it was something my sister might dig.

So. Um. That's what that's about.

(Cheer up, Higginbotham. You're leaving Gotham.)

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