Sort of Homeless Once Again
• Above: A little flowchart I made for Vulcan Video. It's rough 'cause it's a rough draft. (Original Flickr jam here.)
• Paraphrased telephone conversation between Jush and The Devil Himself, October 2, 2008
TDH: The thing about it is, like, I have some time to kill. But it's just enough time to not have time to really do anything. But too much time to do nothing.
J: I bet you have enough time to update your damn blog. It's been like a month.
TDH: For real? A month?
J: Maybe not a month. But like three solid weeks.
• So, yeah. Sorry about that. I am a little bit transient at the moment, having just moved out of my apartment, and waiting to move into the new place. I do, however, have a good feeling in the form of a suspicion that increased productivity is on the way. Right now, though, I am blogging at a coffee shop, which is about the lamest thing you can do with an afternoon.
• CFY,K hero Paul Pope's clothing line for DKNY finally came out. And I don't know. I could see rocking the hoodie, but I'm holding out for the Heavy Liquid hardcover and in the meantime holding it down for regular old black tee shirts.
• Anyway, like I said: There'll be more - I'm hoping a lot more - soon. In the meantime I'm waiting for B-Rett's official commentary on tonight's Vice Presidential debates.