Sunday, February 11, 2007

Meaning You Don't Pay No Rent

• Although, if everything goes according to plan, this shit will only effect my life for like a month. What's that? Oh, yeah. There's totally a plan. Kind of.

Shamanzo has accused your boy, in the past, of only liking things anymore involving female lead singers. In response to this, I offer the following: a new M.I.A. video, a longish Amy Winehouse profile (don't sleep!), and some exciting news regarding Cocorosie.

Bacon aside, Rainuts came up for a visit this weekend.

Um. Yes.

Did you hear that? That was Jush's sharp intake of air, followed by a long exhalation. I think that he may have been saying "Finally." (NSFW)


Anonymous said...

Dear Sir, I just wanted to drop you a line and express my gratitude. This is just another thing you have done for me, but it might me the most important. If you will excuse me I have some IMPORTANT business to to attend to.

Thanks, Jush

Anonymous said...

Also, it is time to steal the master copy.

Anonymous said...

If I don't blow you soon, I'm going to explode. Really, I'm so glad that those posters are gone, you have no idea. Also, I was thinking of posting bananas vicariously through this chunk. It'll be cooler than WHALE SHIT!