Sunday, June 22, 2008

Get My Prince Hal On

• "Out of gas," to me, is second in Camdonispeak only to "critical."

• I smoke. You shouldn't smoke. Because smoking is bad for you. But I do it anyway, because smoking, all things considered, kicks the shit out of not smoking.

I have smoked a lot of cigarettes, and a lot of different kinds of cigarettes. And the long-discontinued Gitane Non-Blonde has achieved, for me, this sort of legendary Long Lost Best Cigarette Ever status. So much so that the Gitane Non-Blonde couldn't have possibly been as delightful a smoke as it is in my memory.

Recently I have come across a brand of cigarettes that reminded me of the Gitane Non-Blonde: the 555. I don't know what to call them, really. "Triple-Fives?" "Five Five Fives?" "Five Cubed is One Hundred and Twenty-Fives?" I don't care. They're great.

• Here's why I love the internet: because you can go from Drawn! to Comicrazys to a Flip the Frog cartoon on YouTube and it's, like, one of the more logical browsing progressions.

• The other day I mistakenly received the above postcard in my mailbox.

• I haven't heard it yet - and, to be honest, I may never - but looking at the setlist from Jason Schwartzman's guest DJ spot at KCRW, I'm thinking: he couldn't, from an aesthetic perspective, have picked any other songs. Unless he wanted to play a Kinks track. Or, like. The Rushmore soundtrack.

• I just want to say it, so that it is in print: at some point, a rapper will make a boast - in the same way that Shawn Carter once famously said the he had been spending hundreds "since they had small faces" - that sounds a lot like this: "I'm ballin' so hard I could buy a tank of gas or two." And I'm just saying. You heard it here first.

• I want these books.


Anonymous said...

Those Gustavs are over-inflated.

Anonymous said...

Dude me and Cruton used to rock the shit out of the Triple 5 Mafias. They aren't as cool looking as the Player Navy Cuts, but they damn sure smoke way better. Out of gas is played, critical is here to stay. Also, you should talk more about the Venture Bros. because that show is the best shit that ever happened to TV as soon as people realize that cartoons are funnier and smarter than every other show on TV.
The Monarch Rules.

Anonymous said...

leave it to you to make me miss smokes more than anything.