Monday, June 02, 2008

Bird Turds #16

• The above is Bird Turds number sixteen, "Turd of Prey part one of two." But you knew that, because it says that. Not to overanalyze it or anything (that's more of a me and S. Higginbotham telephone activity, anyway), but I, like, learned some valuable lessons while making this one. Chiefly, that the grey Pentel brush pen will not magically turn you into Will Eisner. But then I also learned / decided that it would be better to present it as is than it would be after photoshopping the shit out of it.

• And now, "A Conversation Between The Devil Himself and an Imagined Reader, Part One of Two."

IR: What's going on with everything being presented in two parts today?
{Here The Devil Himself mumbles unintelligibly and takes a drag from a Camel light. Camel lights are not his brand, it should be noted, but he got the pack for free so whatever.}
IR: Um. Okay. I was really wondering whether or not you were going to embed the season three premier of the Venture Bros on CFY,K.
TDH: I am abosolutely not going to do that, based soley on the idea that I don't want the new Bird Turds to be completely outclassed on its own shit. But you should totally watch it. It's awesome as hell.
IR: Anything else?
TDH: Um. Yes. Those shirts you want totally exist. Mine's on the way.

• I was wondering how long it was going to take Glenn O'Brien to do a full-on Warhol issue of Interview. (Caution! Clicking the "Interview" link will cause browser-resizing and annoying audio.) And now I know. (I'm not hating. If you're going to do a full-on Warhol issue of anything, it ought to be Interview, and you ought to be Glenn O'Brien.)

• And now, "A Conversation Between The Devil Himself and an Imagined Reader, Part Two of Two."

IR: I heard that Tha Carter III leaked.
TDH: So?
IR: So are you going to post a link to it?
TDH: No way. Buy that shit. Wale's new mixtape is for free and it's awesome. Go get that.


Anonymous said...

If you dream it, it is already on the internets. Has it always been thus?

Anonymous said...

i typed "Shit bird" in goofle and found this page.