Bird Turds #15
• Here is Bird Turds number fifteen, in which the main character bird continues to have kind of a weird relationship with all other birds with whom he or she comes into contact, be they sentient or inanimate within the context of the comic strip itself.
Also, I kind of love the Drinking Bird, in that I bet that that Miles V. Sullivan cat never had to do anything else after he made it. What a badass.
• It turns out there were way more people aware of the CFY,K technical-difficulty downtime than I would have thought. So, um. Again. Sorry about that. But it's good to have you back, dudes.
• I hear tell that Shaved and Shamanzo had a little old NYC Sarchichan mini-summit. Somebody send pictures. And anyway I live at a midpoint music hub these days and I ain't got friends really so come visit. Also: Isn't it Nebraska's birthday today? Happy birthday, Nebraska.
• In making this post, I will have gotten everything done that I wanted to have gotten done on my day off. I did my laundry, and, in so doing, conducted further market research for my dream to one day own and operate a coin laundry. And I put away the laundry, which, as I'm sure you know, is like a whole additional, more-horrible chore in and of itself .
Also I finally got it together and went to see Iron Man, which completely fucking ruled. I will say that I was as disappointed as the next guy that Dennis Coles didn't make the final cut of the movie. I guess it's kind of cool that it looked like a Ghostface video was playing in Tony Stark's private jet towards the beginning. More than anything, though, I'm at a loss as to why the cameo that Ghostface shot for Iron Man hasn't leaked online as near as I can tell. Because, really, what the hell is the internet good for if I can't watch a leaked Ghostface cameo?
• Today I was on the phone with the Rai Chile and he told me that instead of investing his money into a Nintendo Wii, he's going to buy those running jump-stilt joints and then run his ass to work. Now, if you know the Rai Chile, just for a second imagine that you're stopped at a traffic light or something, and then he fucking comes leap running past you all wearing one of those aerodynamic bike helmets and goggles and a full-blown lycra bodysuit. And like a super-determined look on his face like he's doing the damn thing. Or even, better, with all that going on and like a long-stemmed rose clenched in his teeth. Just thinking of these scenarios made me laugh so hard I almost threw up.
1 comment:
there was never a version 2.0. fuck you.
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