Saturday, May 28, 2005




I always write the word "work" when I'm testing to see if a pen I've found laying around, you know, works.

So I just wanted to see if I could post multiple pictures, as there's the all-important Sarchichan Summit happening starting Monday. Many photos will be taken.

I'll say this:

While I was trying to see if I could post multiple pictures ... not only did I find out that I indeed could, in doing so I figured out, like, html picture-linking code, which will eventually save me a lot of time. I know, though that no one who reads this thing knows or cares what I'm talking about.

I don't want to cheat you, though. Those are shitty links. Here's a good one. Your older brother says Happy Birthday.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I think we all know what late nights and no ladies can do to even your most stoic Sarchichan.
Although, you know, sometimes you get the pleasant ancillary byproduct of strange meditations and bursts of creativity.

For example:

I have for a long time been a little weird about the perception of the future, and the idea that the way a culture at a given time identifies its future is exceedingly more telling about that era itself than it is about the way it all ended up, the way the future played out.
Weird lonely forgotten images of the future really get me worked up. As you may or may not recall, I even wrote a little poem about it.
These days it seems like the future features lots of squares and rectangles. That's what I've been noticing lately.
I think they're supposed to represent displays. Like, multiple fields of vision. Antecedents with the old Microsoft OS and the idea that more information is necessarily good.

Oh and then this:

Right. So I'm reading this book, okay?
I know.
And then, of course, there's the old Fahsboro recquired reading with the bit especially about the fat lady and your shoes and whatnot. Which, you know, is essentially the notion that anything really worth doing is a spiritual endeavor. And that anything that is worth doing is best done with Detachment.
{ed. note: 1. Should've been a Hiebredonic preface in the Shamanzo "I know how we all hate God and everything" style. 2. We here at Fahsboro have been championing Detachment for centuries, and yet have only recently begun to convince ourselves that we are beginning to grasp its true nature.}
I mean.
For the sake of argument.
So this Leland cat (link above) has this bit towards the front (and then a whole chapter later I haven't gotten to yet) about the Beats and the root word\concept being "beatific" and all. And how the Beats have this whole deal going on where they reject modern values and so on in favor a more, well, "beatific" sort of grace.
You might recall that I wrote a column a while back about me and me stopping with the pursuit of cool.
But, now, with this weird through-line I've shoddily grafted Family Circus footprint style between Seymour Glass and the Beat Movement in arts & literature I'm confronted with this other deal. Like, being cool (and I think, for some reason, I'm thinking of that walk-away-from-anything Nebraskan cool as much as whatever else) as a spiritual deal. You know. Best done with Detachment and Worth Doing in the first place.
Is a clearer headspace and increased productivity on the horizon? Or a Johan Santana off-speed sudden Kaballah life dedication?
Time will tell.

But in the meantime:

I'm still, chiefly, a writer, right?
I'm saying. That's why we're here, yeah?
So I've been thinking about books a lot lately. Seeing as how I read the shit out of them and am trying to write one.
And a book, right, on a fundamental level is a means by which to communicate. But it is not a means to communicate like a telephone is a means to communicate. It's - typically, or at least in my experience - a mode by which One Person (or a Small Group of People) shares ideas with Lots of Other People. When it's successful.
So me writing a book is me trying to put my thoughts, a distillation of my experiences, into the heads of others.
So why does the medium matter?
I mean, aside from all that I can write better than I can draw stuff.
The thing, the object itself that exists outside of your brain where I have put my thoughts, the commodification ... all that it important, no?
Especially with all that art existing in the marketplace and nowhere really else thing forever springing snaps and snares into treehouse dreamery.
I wonder what the memecist says about the object.

I've had enough for today.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Okay. That does it. I am now officially hating. ... Seriously.

But on the other hand, there is good news in the world. It's a really great Tuesday. (The Fahsboro equivalent to Nudie Magazine Day.)

This came out. And so did this. And they're both awesome. (Again, although totally broke, Fahsboro managed to cop them both. Special thanks to Rodney Ronsonol.)

In related Sarchichan news, here's a little known Hiebredonic fact: Shamanzo's in the band. In case you were curious, ha ha.

I am a big fat nerd. This shit is clutch as hell.

Oh, also. I got this book from the library today. My whole plan was ... I was going to be like "I didn't see my name in the appendix." You know. Hardy har. But then the guy totally preempted me on fucking page fucking one.


Monday, May 23, 2005

"I want to be the sun, schmuck."

Not much today. The writing of sentences continues. The hiatuses are shorter and shorter. This seems to be a good sign.

I just got the best job ever. All I do is sit here all day. Sometimes there's ice cream.

Marc Johnson is my damn hero.

What is this? I'm ashamed to tell you who it's by. You'll have to ask me in private. She knows about it already, I'm sure.

Nerdier every day, man. I'm telling you. This shit is bad as hell. I mean, it's not the All Time Awesome, but it's cool.


Saturday, May 21, 2005

Rodney Ronsonol Reporting

I just sit around all day ...

And also, Higginblatt, they're jockin' your style.
(both via Wired. The new issue also features a tiny write up on the little notebooks.)

I need some new shoes. I wonder if they'll sponsor a blog.

More impossibly well-crafted writing from the guy who's held me down for four thousand pages or so, this is him on military ettiquette:

"The extreme formality with which [Sgt. Shaftoe] addresses these officers carries an important subtext: your problem, sir, is deciding what you want me to do, and my problem, sir, is doing it. My gung-ho posture says that once you give the order I'm not going to bother you with any of the details - and your half of the bargain is you had better stay on your side of the line, sir, and not bother me with any of the chickenshit politics that you have to deal with for a living. The implied responsibility placed upon the officer's shoulders by the subordinate's unhesitating willingness to follow orders is a withering burden to any officer with half a brain, and Shaftoe has more than once seen seasoned noncoms reduce green lieutenants to quivering blobs simply by standing before them and agreeing, cheerfully, to carry out their orders."

Ignore the weirdo title! Neal's a fucking nerd-king.

Could it be? The answer to all my prayers?
(via apple insider.)

That's all for now.


Thursday, May 19, 2005

No Limit Texas Keeping It

Sometimes a sentence strikes me as just, you know, finely crafted and highly interesting. For instance:
"For example, trout is highly nutritious but so low in fat and carbohydrates that you can starve to death eating it three times a day."

Right? this dude is on one.

I'm not gonna lie. Sometimes, I'm feelin' it. But today, nothing about custom sneakers, videogames, celebrity gossip, and\or rare b-sides strikes me as terribly interesting. Shit. What else does one blog about?

That being said, I'm fully going to see this shit tonight. Strangely, though, I'm not really all that excited about it.

Hey Shamanz! Ryan Adams information here!

(It doesn't get old.)


Monday, May 16, 2005

Don't Get Me Started

So, this meme thing has me and Higginblatt ruminating and communicating nearly nonstop. So I figured, you know, ask the experts, right?

It all started because of this thing. I'm getting nerdier and nerdier every day.

I'm going to go see Eric Lamar Monkeyfist in the next couple of days. Maybe tomorrow.

Also Higginblatt says there's not enough me on this thing. Just a bunch of random links. I say I think and write about myself all day long. But anyway. This is kind of what I feel like every day.
(via screenhead.)

BREAKING NEWS: Look at fucking Vince Vaughn's shirt right at the end. Those Lepores are taking over, I'm telling you.

Holler at Sexerz.

Get at me.


Friday, May 13, 2005

As promised, The Dizzle Is Indeed Back


So yesterday my buddy Nate (Nate -> Nate Dogg -> Nate Dizzle -> The Dizzle) stole a legal pad of mine while I was in the bathroom. When I came back, he had written a short story, which I reprint now here in full:

"Tha Dizzle's Back & The Return of the King of Pop"

The man of unquestionable strength and uncanny good looks passed a tree full of leaves of green. The man with great strength was named Dizzle, and he had just released his sophomore CD entitled "The Dizzle's Back." The man stared at the tree and wondered.

'What if I did things differently?'

'What if I never released "Here's Looking At Dizzle?,' his first CD which would later be made into a full feature film starring Peter North as the mad rapper Dizzle.

At that moment the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson, jumped down from an overhead branch hanging down from the lush green tree.

Michael then said to him with a touch of his crotch, "If you, with the help of Dr. Dre, never produced 'Here's Looking at Dizzle,' then I would never have been able to lure helpless children and the Easter Bunny to Neverland Ranch. Therefore, I could never moonwalk onto numerous children naked, and then give them Jesus Juice to entice them to sleep over with me."

"What a shame," the man with unquestionably good looks said to the King of Pop.

Right at that moment a dance contest broke out to end all dance contests and the Dizzle ended up on top and proclaimed himself the King of Tekken and vanished the King of Pop to a life without little boys and Peter Pan.
The End

In other news ...

Here's two ways to make beats online.

In case you wondering, here's how they do that. Kind of.

Currently listening to

Now. There's much about this that I don't understand, but it looks important.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Photo courtesy of Babyshambles.

This dropped today. Cop that shit. I did. And I'm broke.

And also. Somebody get rich and take me here so's I can die a happy man.

Apartment Hunting in Charleston yesterday. What a drag. Especially since Lo-ha's going for none of my ideas.

Anyway, I think I'll be sleeping on the Meat Cart Bed.

Can you believe I've never read this?

As a parting note, I just received an e-mail from old Catchdubs. And - I'm serious right now - I feel a little bit famous.


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Comin back home? I thought it'd be cool.

So, yeah. Not much today.

It's been a minute.

That picture up there? That Nebraskan dream\nightmare? That's from John John Jesse. He's rad.

Also, since I'm just fucking stealing shit today ... I'm sick of trying to explain this to everyone. So here. Excuse the poor video quality.

Speaking of ... Fuck you, Microsoft. And also, give me one of these. Immediately.


Sunday, May 01, 2005

Summit Countdown T-Minus Soon


It's been a minute, huh?

It doesn't matter, anyway. Seeing as how it's all over.

But your boy has some good reading for you.

This is the most comprehensive fansite I've ever seen for anything at all ever.

In other news, I got back into College. Another insane takeover in the works? Hot on the heels of a Sarchichan Summit? What? (Yo, someone give me C-Town's number.)