Friday, May 13, 2005

As promised, The Dizzle Is Indeed Back


So yesterday my buddy Nate (Nate -> Nate Dogg -> Nate Dizzle -> The Dizzle) stole a legal pad of mine while I was in the bathroom. When I came back, he had written a short story, which I reprint now here in full:

"Tha Dizzle's Back & The Return of the King of Pop"

The man of unquestionable strength and uncanny good looks passed a tree full of leaves of green. The man with great strength was named Dizzle, and he had just released his sophomore CD entitled "The Dizzle's Back." The man stared at the tree and wondered.

'What if I did things differently?'

'What if I never released "Here's Looking At Dizzle?,' his first CD which would later be made into a full feature film starring Peter North as the mad rapper Dizzle.

At that moment the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson, jumped down from an overhead branch hanging down from the lush green tree.

Michael then said to him with a touch of his crotch, "If you, with the help of Dr. Dre, never produced 'Here's Looking at Dizzle,' then I would never have been able to lure helpless children and the Easter Bunny to Neverland Ranch. Therefore, I could never moonwalk onto numerous children naked, and then give them Jesus Juice to entice them to sleep over with me."

"What a shame," the man with unquestionably good looks said to the King of Pop.

Right at that moment a dance contest broke out to end all dance contests and the Dizzle ended up on top and proclaimed himself the King of Tekken and vanished the King of Pop to a life without little boys and Peter Pan.
The End

In other news ...

Here's two ways to make beats online.

In case you wondering, here's how they do that. Kind of.

Currently listening to

Now. There's much about this that I don't understand, but it looks important.

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