• First, yes. I know what you're thinking: nothing. Or probably nothing, seeing as how you have probably given up on CFY,K altogether, as you have almost certainly long assumed that I have given up on CFY,K altogether. So. What we have here, by posting this post alone, is evidence to the contrary.
• In my defense, let me say this: For a while there I had company. Our own Anvil Rabbitt came down from Hiebradond to kick it for a little while, and to play a show in my town alongside New Friend of Sarchicha, stand-up comedian, and multi-instrumentalist Aubrey Tennant. It was rad. Between marathon pinball sessions (Shamanz is better than me, Aubrey is king), intake of gourmet foods, intensified chillaxing, and the - seriously - five or six papers I had to write while these cats pirateshipped my livingroom, no blogging was taking place.

• Some notes on the show: Anvil got bumped from the night he was supposed to play at the Village Tavern in favor, I guess, of local hero CaryAnn Hearst. (We went. She still rocks. Sundays @ Fluids nostalgia abounded.) I think they should have let him open up or something anyway, because they moved him to the next night, which was a Friday, during which time Young Shamanzo was relegated to playing for a group of people who were all waiting for some kind of heavy metal jam band - if such a thing could ever exist - to start playing. (Read: tough crowd.) Anvil Rabbitt sounded good. New songs were worked out. Slightly older material sounded soaring and anthemic. The crowd, all the while, remained largely indifferent. (They were, after all, there to see a heavy metal jam band.) You know how you read interviews with established bands and they always say, like, 'Man, I remember playing in bars with ten people,' and all those early-road experiences? It seemed like one of those.
• And now for some smaller news: I found this kind of amazing YouTube video of a scene from Pulp Fiction animated in Typography form. (What? Just click it, dude.) I like this especially, because Brett totally sucks in this scene.
• Today I drew a couple of little comic strips in lieu of taking notes in Advanced Fiction Workshop. (It's dumb. You love.)
• And, finally, from the "There's No Decent Explanation As To Why No One Has Informed Me Before" File: Hunter S. Thompson interviews Keef.
Summary only...