Monday, August 13, 2007

• Just as a little protip, if anybody ever sends you a link with, like, "roflcopterd00d" or "halflife2.zoy" involved, do not click it. You'll hate it, 'cause it sucks. Skritch has gotten me with this delightful little prank like a thousand times by this point.

• Whose Tusken Raider do you prefer? E. Lamar's? Or Paul Pope's?

Castle Magazine is all about illustration and design and is available for free download at their site. Definitely worth checking out.

• I figured I would update the old CFY,K today, since tomorrow I am going on the Friendship Tour 2007, with stops in Orlando, Los Angeles, and Denver, so I won't be posting for a little while. (I'm not sure if that matters, really, though, since I'm visiting like nine tenths of my readers on this trip.)


Charlie G said...

Well this one tenth will miss it. Have fun buddie.

theefamousperson said...

Here's another tenth that's wishin' for an update!