Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dude With All the Dudes

• The lady Mz. Higginbotham has a new, completely pro-fee-essional gig these days, with an office, she says, that is big enough for a ping-pong table. I can't imagine when she'd find the time to actually play ping-pong (The Heroic Sport of Heroes), though. Maybe she could spend all day training with a robot. Then she might have a shot at one day beating me. (I wonder if the Robo Pong 2040 is in anyway related to R.O.B.)

• I am under the impression that Stephen Colbert is running for president entirely for the lulz, and entirely in character. Is there like a legitimate term for when the joke-thing begins to have an effect on the actual thing?

Winsor McCay may well be the best that ever did it.

• The White Stripes Lomo joints are really, really awesome. (Though I can't decide whether the Jack or the Meg one is the most awesome.) But I can't imagine a set of circumstances under which I'd actually buy one.

• Bring it back already. Shit.

• What the hell is "Gocco printing?"

• I love it when the DJ you like so much remixes that band you like so much and it turns into a remix you like so much. Word to Discobelle.


Anonymous said...

nice post, dev' self. all that time on your hands seems to be paying off for the cfy,k... finally.

keep killin' it and I'll keep "practicing" with my "robot".

Anonymous said...

does that make me king of ping pong?