Sunday, July 06, 2008

Bird Turds #20

• This little comic strip experiment, Bird Turds, now has twenty installments. It's weird because I really only thought I had a good enough idea for, you know, the first one. But now there's twenty of them, and I consider a few of them to be even funnier than the initial effort. So whatever. I'm sort of proud. Someone tell me how to go pro.

• What's more is that doing Bird Turds has revitalized my interest in comics in general. I spent, for instance, a sizable portion of last night belly laughing while reading Sam Henderson's ingenious Magic Whistle. Then this morning I started reading The Goon, and that shit is just unbelievably well done.

• The new episode of the Venture Bros is my new all-time favorite. I love that that happens damn near every time they make one.

Nadal wins at Wimbledon. I win a Crabass bet. Everyone's happy. Except for Jush, who had to witness the devastation in hologram mode in the future history with color commentary provided by myself.


Charlie G said...

I can't tell you how to go pro. I can tell you however, that if you don't the world will be missing out on something.

I wonder what the term for a bird turds nerd is? Bird Nerd. No too literal. Turd Nerd? Either way, I SOOOO call the treasurer position of the Official Bird Turds Fan Club. I want a T-shirt. You design that shit, right?

Anonymous said...

You go pro by taking that suit off and doing work.