Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Now With More About Books and Rap

• I don't know much, but I do know this: when Future Self wakes up tomorrow - at which point he will be Present Self - and sees that Present Self - who, by the same token, will have become Past Self - put a Doubleshot™ in the fridge he's gon' be full-on stoked.

• So I walked into this place Domy Books the other day. They got a good selection of art books and comic collections and a pretty decent fine art / street art high / low aesthetic. I guess. They were listening to Egg Radio, which was playing okay blog rock. It was at the same time pretty cool as well as further evidence that "hip" remains at a weird little stagnant standstill. (Full disclosure: they weren't hiring.)

• The Roc Boys trailer > the Roc Boys video.

• Somewhat related: A DVD collection of Busta Rhymes videos does not exist. I mean. As near as I can tell. Which is bullshit. Nobody ever worked a fisheye lens like Bus-a-Bus.

Here's a piece that Lynda Barry wrote about the paintbush. To be honest, I'm not that into this article. I only put it on here because Lynda Barry wrote Cruddy, and Cruddy is a Higginbotham classic.

• You can now pay like 150 bucks for a watch I've been wearing for four years and paid thirteen dollars for. Only yours'll maybe be black. And will have cost you like 150 bucks.


C. Mouse said...


Anonymous said...

"Blog rock".
Curious term.
Can you define "blog rock" for me?
I wasn't aware that we played blog rock on the Egg an, as far as I know, that may be exactly what it is but a description of the genre would be cool.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the linky goodness, by the way.