Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Good Mornian

• It's not really my place to be specific on this, so I won't. But I will say that there are interesting new developments going on over in Hiebradond. I guess you'd have to know old Anvil Shamanzer, like, personally. His new song, however, is for all to enjoy.

When's Blogger gon' let me do those embeddable little expanding flash players for em pee threes? Oh wait. (I'ma get on it.) {Update: fixed!}

• I just wrote a résumé, which, I think, looks pretty impressive. I'd hire me. I mean. If I could stand me. (What are you supposed to do with a résumé again?)

• You know how when you go to a comic book store and they have those hundred boxes full of back issues of Rom, Spaceknight that you can buy for ninety-nine cents apiece? No? You don't? Because - what? - you're not completely nerdified? Whatever. These boxes: they got 'em. Marvel Comics, though, is digitizing their archives. So that way, I guess comic shop owners can free up more space for grown-ass people to play Magic and Pokémon. (No links to these things. One must draw the line somewhere.)

• On my personal wishlist: 58 Rodeo. I mean. If me and El Amar are ever going to make rock posters. (Me: "It's just hot chicks and skulls, right?" E: "Yeah. And fonts!")

• My Dad brought home season one of Weeds on the same day that my sister came over with a DVD collection of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which are like the two things on TV that I watch that don't come on the Mojo network. (Especially since Adult Swim straight ganked my snake-for-an-arm idea. (Possibly NSFW)) So. They're talking about alternating pilot episodes. I'm gonna go.

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