Sunday, April 20, 2008

You're a Science Baby Now!

• That right there is Bird Turds number ten, ladies and gentlemen.

• So far, it's not looking good for my Crabass ambitions, what with the Lakers leading Denver 1-0. Pau Gasol has been the thorn in my betting side for years now. I have learned that I should never bet against him under any circumstances, and yet I, in what seems like the spirit of masochism, refuse to not bet against him.

• I read this thing the other day in I-D magazine - or I.D. magazine, one - where the guy who designed this website said that he designed it in the way that he did because it's, like, a truer representation of what the internet 'really' looks like. Not only do I not buy it, I'm getting sick to death of people dressing up their recent-nostalgia trips with silly art verbiage. Especially when that kind of thing looks more like this anyway, and all the dude really did was ruthlessly jock U Mean Competitor's steelo.

{Editorial Note: We're not sure why, exactly, the author decided to include that last bit. It sort of went against an old CFY,K editorial adage that maintains that a reader's attention ought never be drawn to anything that he or she wouldn't have otherwise heard about unless it's really good. There's no shortage of websites that do that already, anyway. So. Sorry. - Ed.}

Man. Last week I was watching this insane shot-for-shot remake of Raiders of the Lost Ark that these like, teenagers made in the eighties. And it was good, you know, sort of. In that, like, wow-I-can't-believe-they-actually-did-this kind of a way. Then, following that, I watched this collection of outrageous clips of Japanese television. And it was cool, too. But afterwards all's I wanted to do was watch something that was either bad because it was actually bad, or good because it was actually good. Or not watch anything and just have a good cry. I felt like a copy editor at McSweeneys.


Anonymous said...

i like 10 almost as much as i like the pigeon one. but not quite. sorry i missed your call the other day but i was busy being annoyed as shit by dumbass laker fans. i fucking hate all of them except dennis jaffee. him i kind of dig.

Anonymous said...

also, if you google bird turds, you are lucky #7.

Anonymous said...

I love it that you don't waste time. Any regular person would probably hesitate to make the work= bird in cage melodrama comic until they were holding down a 40/wk in a cubicle type of job... but OOOH NO, not Dev'self... a couple of weeks at a part time slacker gig is enough to spark that kind of sentiment. Dude. You are my hero.

Anonymous said...

yea. get 'em sarchicha.