A little more Summit recap. And yet I'll still just be speaking the lang. Shamanz gave Nebraska (check the technique, don't sweat the technique) this killer picture of Lou's Bar in real life for his birthday. The fact that it exists is awesome. As for the Author himself? I can't be so sure. Gotta separate, though, I presume.
And also, before DiFlankSteak became possessed with a particular demon that I'll refer to here as "The Why? Chromosome," many things were discussed. Issues addressed. Like the idea that he had never heard any version of D. Parton's classic Jolene. And him and The newly married Mr. White are "new friends," so he had never heard of this. (The new one comes out Tuesday, I think.)
Oh and all that other stuff. Like the go ahead and be Bobby Fischer. It's bound to happen anyway. All tormented and turned crazy by own freaky genius.
{editorial note: Wait. Hold on. Upon checking out my own site I have realized that if you follow that above "Bobby Fischer" link, it takes you to a site that deals with Mr. Fischer's own hatred of the Jewish people. In no way do I mean to imply that anyone involved with "Curtains For You, Kid," or Sarchicha at large, is anti-semitic. Not at all. The image of Bobby Fischer has long been held up by my friends and I to represent someone who becomes the absolute best at something, then walks away. But there was a discussion, later, about Mr. Fischer's later life as a, um, hatespeaker, something none of us endorse in any way. It's only up here to call attention to the idea that maybe he's not the great man that either he once was, or that we thought that he was. That's all. Sorry. Back to the show.}
I'll just kick it like Kasparov and be all sort of old and deservedly embittered, having embraced and challenged the technology that'll betray me in the end. It's all right. Resigned little melancholy smiles at the end of the road, and still sporting scarves. A better deal than the one Old Man Henry got.
The Summit. Best time I've had in 2005. For real. The Security Council all there, surrounded by the kindest, most open-hearted collection of people in the world. Having git-box family band sing-a-long jamborees out on the deck and in the house until late into the night.
In other news:
I'm gonna need this now. It's so hard. Arden. The best. (just ask Shamanz ha ha ha)
The Rai Chile's right. It sounds like all these songs should have been on the same album to begin with. Says Dio Rai Janeiro: "Wayne Coyne looks like a man who has no shit achieved enlightenment." I believe him.
So I'm a big fan of the Post Secret. The movie? Not so much. You watch it and from the very beginning you're like "This has to be some kind of student project, right?" And then you get to the end and it is.
Rest assured, Blogger, I power you. And I'm trying not to get any ideas.
Cocaine Blunts just posted two rare-ass Ghostface outtakes. Here's one. And the other.
So there you go. Stuff to look at, watch, and hear.
Summary only...