Saturday, June 11, 2005

Home From Work, Rainy Day

Fully Tackle

Caution: There's a link to a boob.

Some stuff I just can't bring myself to care about.

So I have this theory that Keira Knightley, Kate Bosworth, and Natalie Portman are all the same person. Or at least they've all been cloned from a single strand of a young Winona Ryder's DNA.

So far? Gayest post ever.

It's almost like I have something to prove.

I've been reading a lot of hard-boiled ass Raymond Chandler things lately. Just finished The Long Goodbye, just started The Big Sleep. He comes up with all these great detective phrases like "[he had a] face like a collapsed lung." And like that.

Current listening. (Word to Shaflloracia.)

Oh and if Mr. Lachkovich would get back at me, there'd be a new Sleep If You Need To in the works pretty soon. I'm not hatin'. We're all busy, man. And it still needs some work. (Bold Statements were made last time around.)

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