Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Now With More Curse Words

• I had been hearing about it all day. Apparently, the future has arrived. Said one Higginblatt: "I can feel your product lust from here."

• In other news, it is another First Week of School for your boy. I think I'm finally getting used to it, now that I'm thirty-eight years old.

• If you have ever wanted to see me - or the Rai Chile, for that matter - freak the fuck out hyperventilation-style, allow me to introduce you to this wonderful little device. (I only ever saw the box for Ghoulies, but I got like years of paralyzing nightmares out of the deal. Starting at age three. Thanks, guys.)

Marmaduke explained! Finally! Now I want one for New Yorker cartoons.


Anonymous said...

Finally some actual humor as a result of Marmaduke. Why stop with one for New Yorker 'toons? This guy should start an organization that fixes all things that suck. The world could be a different, better place.

The Red Fantastic said...

I have to admit I female jizzed myself over the announcement, as well.

It's unfortunate that they have now combined with one of the players in the axis of evil (us mobile carriers) and as a result do not offer iTunes. I don't get that part of it, but other than that...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NO ONE understands how happy I am that The Dev is up and running. Awesome!