Saturday, May 19, 2007

You Have Forty Eight Minutes to Kill and You Know It

• So my man Jush came up this weekend and we made something like a radio show. Y'all cats are by no means ready for this shit. Get down with the get down: The Friday Night Ride Out. (Click the picture. Turn it up. Speed me up in playback.)


Anonymous said...

More talk, less rock. 3 songs, 10 minutes of talking, and the ultimate ender: fast part of Freebird everytime. And if you're gonna call it Brett Sucks Radio then you better make sure everyone knows why I suck.
Brett Sucks Superstars are ruining that ass in Inferno 3 fantasy league.

The Devil Himself said...

Fine, fine. You are right. Full disclosure: B-rett started to suck because he would not paritcipate in the Challenging Challenge Fantasy League with me and Jush. He then mangaged to suck even moreso by returning to the Challenging Challenge Fantasy League only to completely dominate it. Also: B-rett does not actually suck in real life.

I think that the next "radio spot" will be officially called The Rattlesnake Roundup" and be much shorter in length with much less talking.

Anonymous said...

brett actually sucks in real life

The Devil Himself said...

UPDATE: I changed the location of the "Friday Night Ride Out." Maybe this way it'll get more than one listener.

theefamousperson said...

It got me!
J/K, I hadn't tried it before.
But, I liked it when I did try it.
I like when Jush says, "does this song get any better?" to the cocorosie song. Funny!