• I gotta tell you. It's hard for me, as the owner of legit pairs of Tiffanys and De La highs from back in the day, to be over it, but I'm over it. It's fucking hard for me to get stoked about athletic footwear at all anymore, but then my dudes over at Jesus Piece - who by the way put up a link to the Run For It! mix which for some reason I never saw till the other day - put me on to the Ferris Bueller SB's. It's awesome that the movie that I have based my whole life on is getting some play, but I think they should just put out white bucks like the kid rocks in the movie, and release an accompanying Ferris-style jacket.
• Man. Yesterday me and the Rai Chile were driving through town. And we stopped at a stoplight, you know, like you do. Looking across the intersection we saw, at a gas station, a pregnant teen smoking a cigarette like a foot away from the gas pump. The way I figure it, the whole scene was fucked up on at least six levels. More if you figure in the way in which the girl in question was intermittently and, say, "gropily" making out with this dude that was standing there.
{UPDATE: One regular reader of Curtains For You, Kid has sent in another, perhaps more sophisticated diagram to illustrate the event I witnessed. To this reader I say, "Thanks, buddy."}
• Which is not to say that I'm against smoking in any way. Quite unlike a vocal portion of GQ's readers. When will the War Against Fun be finally over? Because those dudes needs to know that the Marlboro Man is a perfect image of American Cool, and smoking is awesome because it looks so cool when you do it.
• I wonder how long it's going to take Bobby Knight to say something offensive or strangle someone or some shit in order to be kicked off of ESPN. I'd put the over-under at three weeks.
• Leave it to the circuit benders to make the Easy Button difficult.
• Any time I'm at my sister's house, I, for some reason, always end up drawing little pictures on 3X5 note cards. She has like a billion note cards. Today when I was over there I drew a woman's handbag, and made a list of fantasy jobs.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
• Above: Bird Turds #5. (There has been some confusion about these things. So. If you click on the above picture it should open up the flickr photo page - I'm not that good at this stuff - in a new tab or window at which point you can click "all sizes" so that you might actually read it. If you feel like it.)
• How awesome would it be to be a foreign correspondent for CNN from your outpost in Secondlife? You could file stories like "Sploders: An Exposé," or "Make Your Lindens Work for You" or an interview with the fifteenth baroness of Bauerhoff de Caledon. You wouldn't have to worry about fact-checking or anything because nobody gives a shit.
• I have recently come across two music videos that have reached, in my opinion, the upper echelons of radness. One of them, "Knights of Cydonia," by Muse, I saw with Jush last night. (Its inclusion here is evidence of how impossible it is, I think, to overestimate the cultural impact of Guitar Hero.) The shit is a send-up/tribute to everything that has ever ruled in movies or television. The other one, "Yahhh," by Souljah Boy (?!) I was going to put up on the last post, but I didn't want anyone thinking that I had ripped it off for Bird Turds #4. Whatever. I dare you to not laugh along with the little dude who's like a cross between Lil Penny and the Great Gazoo.
(Just click on it, dude. There's YouTube action within the answers.)
• I just realized I missed the new episode of The Wire to make this entry. And now I'm all "errgh."
Posted by
The Devil Himself
3:47 PM
Labels: bird turds, Grupthink, random bullshit
Friday, February 22, 2008
Speak the King's English
• That right there is Bird Turds number four. (Number five is currently in production.) I hope you guys are liking these things. I want to make enough of them for, like, Bird Turds to have its own little website. But that's a ways off, I think.
• This week brought the return of Sir Dizzle Dafoe. You must love that. Nonstop face feeding and nonsense.
• From the "Caught Sleeping Once Again" File: Yesterday I was listening to Wale's 100 Miles and Running mixtape (put together by that kid Catchdubs), thinking that, as much as Wale shouts out Malice and Pusha T and has a whole skit about how rappers with "Lil" in their names are horrible, he should really get on a track with Weezy. But then he already did.
• Stunt Kitty (via Drawn) isn't making me guffaw, exactly, but it is good for a "heh."
• Ladies love Gustav.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
2:19 PM
Labels: bird turds, Dizzle, random bullshit, Rap Music
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Now With Something Like User-Generated Content!
• I have made yet another Bird Turds comic. I like this little bird. (You can click "all sizes," by the way, to see it in all of its bigness.)
• That photo up there was taken by one S. Higginbotham, of a rug that she actually owns.
• I guess when a band already has a video on Mtv - of all places - it's a pretty solid indicator that I've been sleeping on them for, like, entirely too long. (It's weird that having a video on Mtv these days means almost exactly the opposite of what it used to mean. Like, now you're probably less likely to check out a band if you see that they have a video on Mtv. They've become like Oprah's Book Club for music videos. Either way, times are hard since I became broke as hell and fascists took away the Good Shit Catalog.) Whatever. Vampire Weekend is good, and I like any band that makes a song about an esoteric grammar issue. (Should that be "grammatical" issue?)
• Pardon me, but I think that that Lindsay Lohan spread in New York Magazine (possibly NSFW) might be - and not necessarily for what some might consider to be the "obvious reasons" - the best thing she's ever done. Or at least since Mean Girls.
• From the Obligatory Lil Wayne Reference file: this old post from a random blog might contain the best comment I have ever read.
• Raver sent me a link to this website called Stuff White People Like. The shit's funny. (Fuck! Dutch city bikes! Guilty as charged!)
• More from Mrs. Higginblatt: Fitness Celebrity John Basedow has met his match, and he's got a gun.
• I would like to, here, reiterate my formal request to one Anvil Rabbitt (get iTunes, already) for pictures of Schnabel's new building, the Palazzo Chupi. Can it really be as obnoxious as I suspect that it is? Is it possible that it came right back around into awesome territory? I feel that further investigation is necessary.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
7:59 PM
Labels: Anvil Rabbitt, bird turds, Higginbotham, indie rock, Lil Wayne, nsfw, Traditional Dutch Bicycles
Friday, February 15, 2008
• I made a new Bird Turds last night, based on an all-time favorite Ghostface lyric. (The internet says that the words are a little different than how I have them, but I think Shamanzo and others would agree that my interpretation is correct.)
• My new favorite radio show is Coast to Coast AM. How did no one tell me about this before? Late-night UFO conspiracy theory broadcasts? That is my shit! Me and Rainuts were going to make, like, one of those terrifying songs that uses weird disembodied voices and atmospheric sounds out of this thing, but then we found out that Tool used it first.
• This guy Ben Pearce's Flickr photostream is amazing. (It's also where Holotone gets his profile pics! (Read: "via Holotone."))
• Because I abruptly switched sides and decided to bet the smart "money," and therefore suffered a devastating crabass loss, it has taken me a while to be able to appreciate Carl Brutanananadilewski's enthusiasm for the New York Football Giants' Superbowl victory. But I think enough time has passed.
• I want to live inside of a shipping container.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
7:19 PM
Labels: bird turds, Ghostface, Grupthink, radio, random bullshit
Thursday, February 07, 2008
I Wrote It On the Paper
• I mean. I certainly don't want to straight jock these dudes' style, especially since I've been reading that shit forever. But, I'm sayin'. I don't think anybody gets to wreck the spot on a GFK reference except for Tony Starks himself. And also, have you ever had a banana nutrament? The shit is delicious.
• According to a popular poll, and at press time, this is the best thing that was on the internets in 2007. And even though I haven't made a prank phone call since we found this dude in the phone book listed as "Horney, Major" when I was like 12, I find it hard to disagree. Which means that, emotionally, I think I've aged about three years since then.
• Speaking of which, the Real World / Road Rules Gauntlet III Fantasy League - also known the most ridiculous thing that me and the Camdonians do - soldiers on. By my calculations, I am up by at least 700 points.
• So I drew this picture the other day. And, yes. Fine. It's not that good. I hear you. So, then, the question becomes: if I'm going to make images and they're not going to be that good, then why would I choose the female nude as a subject? I guess my rationale is that if I'm ever going to become a super hard-ass drawer in the mold of Los Bros and Paul Pope, then I have to start somewhere.
• Perhaps I'm too heavy on the italics on old CFY,K. But, then, no "blog" can be too Salingerian, right? Heh.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
6:02 PM
Labels: Ghostface, random bullshit