Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Now With Something Like User-Generated Content!

• I have made yet another Bird Turds comic. I like this little bird. (You can click "all sizes," by the way, to see it in all of its bigness.)

• That photo up there was taken by one S. Higginbotham, of a rug that she actually owns.

• I guess when a band already has a video on Mtv - of all places - it's a pretty solid indicator that I've been sleeping on them for, like, entirely too long. (It's weird that having a video on Mtv these days means almost exactly the opposite of what it used to mean. Like, now you're probably less likely to check out a band if you see that they have a video on Mtv. They've become like Oprah's Book Club for music videos. Either way, times are hard since I became broke as hell and fascists took away the Good Shit Catalog.) Whatever. Vampire Weekend is good, and I like any band that makes a song about an esoteric grammar issue. (Should that be "grammatical" issue?)

• Pardon me, but I think that that Lindsay Lohan spread in New York Magazine (possibly NSFW) might be - and not necessarily for what some might consider to be the "obvious reasons" - the best thing she's ever done. Or at least since Mean Girls.

• From the Obligatory Lil Wayne Reference file: this old post from a random blog might contain the best comment I have ever read.

• Raver sent me a link to this website called Stuff White People Like. The shit's funny. (Fuck! Dutch city bikes! Guilty as charged!)

• More from Mrs. Higginblatt: Fitness Celebrity John Basedow has met his match, and he's got a gun.

• I would like to, here, reiterate my formal request to one Anvil Rabbitt (get iTunes, already) for pictures of Schnabel's new building, the Palazzo Chupi. Can it really be as obnoxious as I suspect that it is? Is it possible that it came right back around into awesome territory? I feel that further investigation is necessary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stuff White People Like is the 2nd greatest active blog. Long live white people and the dumb shit we do and love.