Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Tell Satan Not Yet


● Scroll down and read Cam'ron's verse pure Dada.

● Goddamn. The comments are heating up. Part of me feels like Hova. But most of me wants to see a battle take place on CFY,K.

● In a couple of weeks, me and Babyface are going to be stoked as shit.

● Damn. Finally some good news from the Cold Vein.

● Lydia Lee came up this weekend. It was really fun. Good for her to be out of town for a minute, good for me to be out of the house for a minute. Altogether good. She didn't want me to take the following photo, but I did anyway, and I believe it came out nice, if out of focus.

Lydia Hallway

● Man. It is against the rules to lift links from Catchdubs. I, however, on this day, cannot resist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, I really am glad that "pic" was taken from so far down the hallway. But not far enough to where you can't see my freakishly large Cheek. Also, had a hell-o-a-ween. Hope you did.