Your Poom Poom?
■ Hmmm.
■ Why Ethan does not have one of these I don't know. I think, also, that the Camdonians got a GameBoy symphony incubating that they don't even know about.
■ I will now post the reply to the e-mail message I had up earlier.
On October 22, Bo Fahs wrote:
You suck at having a phone.
I want you to know that.
I feel like I received a strange message from you last night, but it didn't translate or something. Speaking in Hiebradondic tongues on voicemail.
I will again remind you that I am not a Master of this inkling that I have had about ignoring yourself. I have been thinking about some of these issues you discussed for a while now. &, um. As far as "I" is concerned, I would say that what I've been doing when the "I" is unavoidable is, like -
James Ellroy, man. Can I say enough about him? No. He's the shit. I read some stuff he wrote about his fucked ass up post adolescence ... where he was addicted to low-grade amphetamines and broke into women's houses to sniff & steal their underclothes (no shit). And he goes with "I." But it's sort of like there's no value judgement made either way. Just kind of This Is What Happened. Is it bad to draw on your own experiences? No. Is it bad to romanticize & sentimentalize those experiences and make them something else? Probably. Am I guilty of this? Absolutely. But I'm trying.
(If I am altogether incorrect across the board, and we really are all unknowingly involved in something spiritual, and God really speaks through all of us, I would like to be known as the Marlboro Medium.)
If I were a professor, here's what I'd tell the kiddies, & so here's what I say:
If you want to write something, really, there's almost certainly a reason for it. You hear a song. You say "I want to write a song like that." So just write your own approximation of that song. Kind of. Essentially just write it, you know, again. Originality, someone was saying, is a sham anyway.
It sounds, I know, almost too easy. Too Finding Forrester. But whatever. I think it holds up. I really honestly think that if Sarchicha spent their time Destroying the Self & Copying things we'd find our own New Distinct Voices rapid-fire. I'm working on it. I suspect that Nebraska is years ahead of us on this.
As far as praise, man. I don't know. The thing, I think, with us, is that the ego is fragile on both ends. Ready to blow out of control at the first mention of "genius," and concurrently ready to crumble under the weight of Living Up to That.
It's a dangerous deal.
(image via Crunk&Disorderly.)
■ You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't spit into the wind. And you sure as shit don't shoot Cam'ron. (I have a feeling dude's better off if the cops get him.)
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