Monday, June 25, 2007

I Was Holding Out for Ten Votes

• I don't have a lot for today in the way of links to random bullshit, because every day these days is a grindstone. I'm sure you can relate. I mean. I got some stuff. Like, Apelad and his LOL Cats are cracking me up lately. (Says Skritch: "Old comic is oooooold.")

• A while back, me and Mike the George started making weird little songs together as Enormasaurus - you might remember that "Makin' It Rain" joint featuring Jush from way back. But even before that we had made this sketch of a song that we both got tired of working on before we ever finished it. We did manage to get the Rai Chile - who, by the way, has made a triumphant return to Grupthink in recent hours - to lay down some vocals on the chorus. But then today I had another verse for it written, and it had been long enough since we messed with it, so we put everything together. I have to say, I think that, in terms of scope and musicality, it's the best song we've made so far. Here it is: "Insurance" by Enormasaurus, the world's greatest make-believe band. (What do you think?)

1 comment:

Charlie G said...

Wow. Fucking A-MAY-ZING! Dude cool points +1 bazillion