Wednesday, June 27, 2007

• Today I decided that if I ever become a news anchor, I'm going to change my name to Zoom Awesomeson.

• I've been looking around the internets all day, and I can't come up with anything cohesive at the moment. It's late. For the past few weeks I've been grindstoning on this story I'm writing, which, I think, is using all of what little creative juice I've got. I mean, look at this. This makes two bulleted paragraphs with no amusing links. Unheard of!

• I think anybody who knows me know that I have a disdain for social networking sites. In fact, my rule is to exit immediately any conversation as soon as they're brought up. Then the other day I found this one, which I will not join, but may tolerate solely for the occasional "artistic" naked chick.

• While every other blog in the world is embedding the new Kanye West video (which, by the way, is spectacular in its own little surface-only way), I have decided to embed this little YouTube gem in its stead:

• Isn't it weird when Jack White talks? Not that he shouldn't talk or anything. He just always comes across as so normal, when his public persona is otherwise so damn odd.

• The idea is that when Enormasaurus goes on tour, at our live shows will be animatronic representations of our spirit animals playing pre-recorded music, like The Rock-afire Explosion. So mine will look like this.


Anonymous said...

I thought your spirit animal was a Lisa Frank style dolphin.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Lisa Frank. I thought that shit was gone forever. Anyway. Jack White is very weird. He just sounds like a weirdo. Their new album is a perfect example. He is talking and it starts to freak me out because he sounds like a normal guy. BBB, please come back.