Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Back Up More Like Throw Up

• If you're me and you spend a ton of time doing stuff in front of your computer, but then part of your "process" involves long stretches of just kind of sitting there and thinking, you end up just kind of naturally coming across entertaining shit on teh intrabutts. (If you're me, you turn that experience into a blog.) And sometimes, if you're lucky, you get to witness \ participate in epic threads. (We tried to call in the Raichile for a one-time airstrike, but no dice.)

• The dudes from Baker make sunglasses now. Isn't it weird how you see Greco play guitar more than skate these days? The guitar is a cruel mistress, man.

• In other skate news, if you read that 16 things about the Gonz thing from last time, you maybe saw a little bit about Steve Rocco. Now there's a movie being made about him, and I, for one, can't wait to not see it in theaters and wait for the DVD to come out.

• Updated message to hard-core fans of the Gorillaz: There still won't be any more records, but you can either pay money for our signature sex toy, or you can pay money to watch us masturbate in a more figurative manner. Thank you, that is all.

• I'm not the biggest fan of the song in the following video. It's a little too "blog-rock" for me. But just on a basic level, you've gotta respect the level of nerd-work that went into this thing:

• CFY,K endorses: this bicycle.

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