Lost Ploss in the Ross
• Look at that picture up there. I'm super proud of it.
• With old Higginbotham looking for a new apartment and job in a new place, and with Jush and them all trying to catch the record-breaking ball in Milwaukee, I'd say that the regular readership of CFY,K has, at the moment, dwindled considerably. Far be it from me, though, to desert my stupid blog altogether. Maybe they'll be all embonered when they get back and there's new crap on here.
• Word from the West Coast suggests that Our Friend Anvil Rabbitt would not persuaded to enter into even one Man Cup, holding tightly to his ill-gotten and self-proclaimed Bobby Fischer status. (He has never faced me, and I would wreck his whole spot.)
• In related news, if you were to buy this, you'd both rule and suck in a Ruling-Sucking simulcast. (Same thing for this thing. But, somehow, Raichile's MarioKart phone is pure kickass.)
• I know I've mentioned it before, but if those cats over at FluoKids don't start inviting me to wherever they find all these women hanging out, then they'll be jerks forever. Reading this blog makes me wonder if "Expatriate House DJ Who Lives in Paris or Something" isn't my one true career calling.
• Golden Blade III is already getting great reviews. I'm trying to make it up there for the premier, but am making, at press time, no promises.
I really like the new picture. It reminds me of the good woodcuts. Maybe you could make a stamp out of it, and fill in the word balloons with whatever!
Hm. Yes.
So, don't forget to link to my now consistently-updated blog! (Three posts and counting!)
Love ya!
color me embonered.
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