Utah, Get Me Two
• I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. First, I'm almost positive that I have used the "Utah, Get Me Two" title line before, but I am too lazy to confirm or deny that suspicion. Second, I'm about to embed a YouTube link that I, again, may have included before, either as a link or as an embed, in some incarnation of this blog. So, either way: Gary Busey talking about Hunter S. Thompson (kind of) rules. (I mean, it totally rules. But he's only kind of talking about Hunter S. Thompson.)
• The Style Guy, whom I linked to last time, has a blog. People should pay more attention to this dude. Basquiat liked him. How bad can he be? (Also: when is that DVD coming out? Has it already? Somebody buy it for me.)
• Nahright has the new 50 Cent single all ZShare'd up. Predictably, it sucks. But if you're a hip-hop blogger, it is your sworn duty to track the every move of Curtis Jackson. So whatever. But maybe I'm crazy, because it seems like there was a time when you could have been pretty legitimately stoked on 50. Like, Power of the Dollar? "How to Rob?" Come on! I guess I just hate it when anybody exhibits shit-hot levels of potential and then doesn't ever do anything with it worth a fuck because it reminds me of myself.
• I have more work to do than I can stand. It's going to be a couple days.
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