Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tell Me Something

• A whole gang of cats have been sending me links to the new Kanye video for the past couple of days. What no one that I've seen on the internet is talking about - which is weird, because it seems like this video is everywhere right now - is the Jon Brion/Zach Galifianakis connection. Remember how Jon Brion did a bunch of production work on the -arguably superior - version of Extraordinary Machine that was leaked to the internets? Soon after the official release of that record, the "Not About Love" video came out, which, at the time, was hilarious and original, and had the added bonus of being filmed in 641 territory. Later, Jon Brion did production work on Kanye's last album, as well as his new one, and now there is this "alternate take" of the "Can't Tell Me Nothin'" Video, which is, if nothing else, way better than the original snooze-fest that was the first one. I only ever root for Jon Brion. He puts on the best show ever. And while it seems strange that this group of creative people he's involved with would just straight recycle an idea (are they banking on the idea that no one saw the Fiona video?), what's even weirder to me is that I seem to be the only one talking about it. Is Jon Brion's influence just not interesting to anyone else? Or, like, am I just that astute an observer of contemporary popular culture? I doubt it. Maybe it's boring.

• Can't read Bigger Bonus Bananas 'cause Raichile's too busy playing Keno in some bar in a saltwater shithole somewhere? Well, if it makes you feel better, you can wear these shoes. That way you can blame Rainuts for your bad taste in shoes.

• The trailer for Darjeeling Limited is out. I'm all embonered about it.

• What Is Interesting to Me Is Not Necessarily Interesting to the Public at Large, Exhibit A: I actually read most of this.

• In other news, Lil Wayne got arrested. Great.


Charlie G said...

Awww poor lil wayne. You should send him flowers.

Anonymous said...
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theefamousperson said...

Thanks for the toilet paper update. Lovin' it.

theefamousperson said...

PS-- I really like this picture. (Is she supposed to be "coked-up"?)

Mike Mora said...

darjeeling limited looks fairly awesome

Anonymous said...

you deleted my previous comment.
is this some wierd exclusive club blog?