Saturday, July 09, 2005


More E. Lamar creations here. Also, the old Gorilla Head put me onto this shit, which is kind of awesome in a kind of kind of way.

This is an excerpt from a poem I sort of created madlib-style:

silver Walkman's silver Walkman

I listened you'd writhe the way you make,
But I create hot and I destroy your grape.
(I consume I smoke you up inside my glass.)

I should have rebuilded a bottle instead;
At least when sickness lights they modify back again.
I sleep my glacier and all the nightgown swims camera.

(I consume I smoke you up inside my glass.)

- (young) Bo Fahs & Sylvia Plath

Now, me, I don't like to read this kind of stuff, but it is fun to do. You can make your own here. They got a bunch of stuff to fuck with. (via Screenhead)

If you're going to get arrested, be doing something this rad. In other DipSet news, this crazy shit is the craziest shit I've ever seen. I can't even read it because it makes me feel epileptic.

New Do's & Don'ts.

I mean. I know Quiksilver is a surf company and everything and the X-Games are stupid and all that but - come the fuck on. Sometimes you just gotta pay your respects.

So, Jenkins beat everybody. He's the first to leave a comment, all time.

Where is Duncan? Goddammit!

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