Friday, July 29, 2005

3 walking

New G*F*D artwork above. (Shit gets deeper.)

Ok, fuck it. I'm totally getting one of these (via engadget.) and getting rid of all doorknobs.

You can't do anything with 'em. I guess you collect 'em. I don't really want 'em. But then a part of me totally wants one. (A tiny manifestation of DiFlankSteak in my head says: "It's just so you can spend more money on more stupid bullshit." And I say: "No, sir. Look! Limited edition art you can afford to collect! You of all people ought to understand that!" So he says: "I do understand that. But you only want to spend money on ridiculous crap." And I'm like: "Whatever shut up.")

I may snag shit from screenhead often enough to bring about suggestions of poor blogging form. However. This shit is awesome and completely worth a perusal. And while we're at it, it's good to have resources at hand.

Apparently, you can fit the great nation-state of Jenkin, Nebraska into Edinburgh, Scotland in a pinch. How come everybody gets to go to Europe all the time?

Did I do my homework? Kind of. I forgot the damn URLs. Get at me.


Anonymous said...

kid robot=evil temptation
cut to: s. higginboo in the soho location contemplating a 300.00 takashi murakami soccerball. bizarro world. beware.

Anonymous said...

seriously there is no reason for you to but something that you could make for no money and fuck that guy and his stupid marketing crap crap.
and fuck me for telling anyone what to do with anything
(new 45 is gonna be hooootttt.....