Thursday, July 07, 2005

Tommy Tomato Rough

So, The Rai Chile wants me to illustrate his series of children's books. I guess.

Kicked in the nuts. Hilarious, in a classical sense. (from Sir Jenk-o)

Speaking of Jenkins. I have a feeling that maybe he forgot. As a related, um, thing: someone get me back issue number 37! Fucking seriously. And further ... I have a hunch ... and am compelled to find out what's going on in here.

Man. It's a good thing this guy is, like, forty. You know what I mean?

Read today in Shamanzo's copy of Big Sur (for which I think I inadvertently traded my Ticket To Nerdtown.) today and ran across this:

"Tonight the moon shall witness angels trooping at the baby's window where inside he gurgles his pewk [sic] looking with mewling eyes for babyside waterfall lambikin hillside the day the little Arab shepherd boy hugged the babylamb to heart while the mother bleeted at his bay heel -"

And it reminded me of those Sarchicha-wide e-mails that DiFlankSteak used to send all of us. (And of a multitude of "poetic" posts on Babyshambles. Gives me the warm feeling like maybe these cats are onto something good, if it worked out for Our Old Mr. K.

Went to me & Dad's favorite restaurant. If you want to know what fat and happy looks like, get at me.

1 comment:

The Devil Himself said...

stabbing starting