Now With Several Minor Aesthetic Changes
Adult Swim has completely redesigned and gone insane. I don't know what to think. However, if you copped this shirt you'd have a solid six weeks before you were totally lame. And it wouldn't even be one of those things that makes the rest of what you own wack by comparison. (Word to Higgengaged.)
Hey. Yeah! What the hell? (via Me Three Dia.)
Reading You Can't Win out by the pool right now.
I just got it today, and I am wearing out the new Fantomas. Go cop that shit, Nebraska. Le lala lou. La lel. (Me & Shamanz both need the Editor back stateside.)
Lydia just took a "weird battery of tests." (They're bullshit. Do them anyway.)
This is kind of awesome and now you're not bored for a couple of minutes.
This just in: Brettface! Get your lady! We've gotta make a cartoon! Now, who's got four hundred bucks?
Man. Look at all these recent ass posts. I am getting pale and fat.
toon boom sounds like a call for wu-tang style crew fund. did you ever get that started? now you wish you had.
hey married lady
quit ragging on the Sarcheechan trust's coming just as soon as we
have a bunch of dough.
Remember the Alamo ma'am.
i'm sure the lady meant no disrespect. perhaps she was merely intending to support the concept by indicating how such a trust would have innumerable benefits, i.e. this animation program. she sounds like a caring friend, and as you pointed out, a woman of honor.
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