Opus Moved To Outland
And the Devil Himself went to Fahsboro.
I'll see you there!
• I was back home for a while, ladies and gents. Sorry for the interruption. There have been new developments. And now, with every post here at CFY,K, we draw closer and closer to enormous changes.
But first, two things:
• One, I think that Skritch, phd, has found his true medium.
• And two, there's a ghostface doll coming out.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
1:05 AM
• This is me in my superhero outfit.
• I guess Stevie and the Girl camp are friends again. Or something. (I just remembered that you guys don't care.)
• You know that no one so far has sent any e-mail into Pilot? This depresses me.
• Recently received sick-ass Anvil Rabbit tracks in the mail. Click that link! What's your problem? It's the coolest thing under the Sarchicha dot org banner thus far. (Having said this, Fahsboro stews and considers.)
• So. Um. I've been trying to update the shit out of CFY,K as I'm leaving for a few days. Holidays with the Fam, you dig?
• Anyways. Expect updates (changes?) soon. But not too soon.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
4:18 AM
• The above is my own little attempt to get all Wolfgang Tillmans on you.
• Ha ha ha what?
• Seriously. If you really can't help it, and have to get me a Christmas gift, get me this.
• From the "Wait. What?" Conspiracy file: What happened to the Chappelle Show. (According to this dude.)
• B-rett! Save up your fucking money and put this bitch in the motherfucking Shed!
• From the "Fahsboro Is Still Not Over It" file: Yeah. Still not over it.
• Arden came back into town for graduation. Laura commemorated this event by vomiting on her own bed. Congratulations.
• Hot on the heels of the first installment of the Nebraska\Fahsboro top-secret joint project, old Nicholas sent down a package packed fat with pen-and-ink drawings, logo designs, and hot little demos. My campaign to Stop The Drift, I believe is taking hold.
• I'll see some of you guys in a couple days.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
9:06 PM
I put this picture up solely for the enjoyment of one Dr. Skritch, because I know how he feels about women with guitars. I stole it from Richard and Mimi dot com.
So. Hm.
Lots going on lately. Including a 12 hour Shed visit, a fixed car, a bootleg copy of the new Strokes album (it's good, if somewhat too slick-sounding), et al.
Jush's fantasy team is way in the lead right now. But I got a feeling I'm coming back strong.
This is what's called an uninspired ill-advised blog post. For a better one, see the new It Is What It Is.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
5:33 PM
• The above is another example of how the Girl \ Chocolate camp has already done everything awesome. A Chocolate Radio?! (I'm not hating. I got one.)
• I just saw the first teaser trailer at the X-Men 3 site. My brains is now blown.
• Today is an internet ass day, man. Put up a new It Is What It Is, added to AKA AquaCulture, and am now updating this here. (You'll notice some overlap between It Is ... and CFY,K.)
• Smartyart Black and White Raiford Fantasy Photo.
• Glenn O'Brien is my hero. What does he do? He, like, just acts really cool and fashionable for a living.
• The new Sofia Coppola movie looks good, too. I mean. Not X-Men 3 good. But good.
• ADVANCED WARNING: I don't know if B-rett knows it or not, but I think me and the Dizzle and Rainuts are all Shed-bound on Sunday. So now you know. (By the way, have you figured out how to make Disc One play all the episodes, but, like, not simultaneously?)
Posted by
The Devil Himself
5:26 PM
• See the shit that I'm on?
• Old Higgincredible received in her mailbox the other day handwritten dementia from some crazed conspiracy freak. So I did some Internet Private Eye work and found out that someone else got the same shit in their mailbox, except a little different. (You gotta scroll down to "I Shit You Not.") Creepily, this other person is in San Antonio, where Higginbotham calls home as well. I totally told you so.
• I think I'm gonna head down to the shed on Sunday for some damn football \ Adult Swim \ xBOx 360 action. I fully expect to see this couch in there.
• I guess PostSecret has a hardcover out. That's cool.
• Music thing is one of my favorite websites, and I don't think I link to them often enough. Their feature on the makers of tiny music is astoundingly interesting. Also, if we in Sarchicha, like, were weird and gave each other Christmas presents, I'd give everyone at Swillpro an electric kazoo.
• So. I read this shit like Brett reads this. I am now submitting my application for AKAcolyte status. I'd like to publish a poem on there and have it be submitted by The Famous Person. But I don't want to wreck your spot or nothin'. So you tell me.
• Robert X. Cringely (what a name on that man!) is quoted in this month's Wired as follows:
"There's nothing wrong with blogging or podcasting, but they feel a bit to me like CB radio. What I think will happen is that the best bloggers and podcasters will eventually be subsumed into the professional media."
Pardon my egoism, but that sounds like a good deal to me.
• Damn. This is a long-ass post. I got shit to do, too.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
6:49 PM
• This is the new Pilot deck. Now, just wait a second. I didn't really design this one. I mean. I helped. I locked the concept down. But the Bossman did the tedious photoshopping. So. Either way, I'm still really proud of it. I just want to give credit where credit is due.
What I will take some credit for is the damn Pilot Skateboards webiste, which is now up and running as hell. (Including even a new blog complete with post from Your Boy.) I only had a general idea as to how tedious web design was until tonight. And I was not without a great deal of help, either. (I did get closer to be able to move CFY,K to its own non-blogspot webspace.) Check the shit out, because it's awesome.
• Robert Crumb blues biography
• Man the other day I was saying how I was about over Tenacious D. All: "I guess I just need some new D in my life, no homo." But then I came across this Tenacious D VS Dio video, and laughed a little. But I think I'm still over it.
• You know who's going to the DVD store tomorrow? Brett. And me. (You know I'm not trying to live without the Hypno-Germ.)
Posted by
The Devil Himself
2:14 AM
• Higginbotham wanted me to take her on a little Tour of Homes. This is Part One, my bedroom. Where, um, the only magic that happens lately is CFY,K. It occurs to me that the high-low aesthetic I was looking for is missing the "High" end. So now I look at this instead of porno.
• Related:
I bet that everybody sits in these at the Fuller Institute.
• Yo I hope cats have been reading the Rai Chile's blog lately. Because he's killing it. Seriously. I think that he has finally found his comedy niche.
• Jenkin Motherfucking Nebraska, please tell me what the hell is going on with this van.
• I, for one, can't wait. (Did I ever tell you about what happened that time I saw the first one? That was a funny day kind of.)
• Stayed home tonight to do work. Got very little done. Shit.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
2:23 AM
• Recommended viewing, courtesy of Hiebradond. (Apparently when you move to NYC it's okay to have TV.)
• You know how they say advertising works? Well it does. I just walked away from a xBOx 360 session that lasted till seven a.m. & I didn't really want one till I saw this shit today. And I don't even know why.
• Wait. What?
• From the Over It file: Remember when Canibus tried to make a whole career out of one beef? Yeah, well, now there's this.
• Holiday shopping for Raiford's dad? Here you go.
• Cats in Camden love Scott Caan.
• Today: catching up on schoolwork, getting over the flu, wrecking my car, and browsing the Acme catalog.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
12:01 AM
• The Fam rolls into town, the kid gets new kicks. (Meanwhile, Oakland sweats.) Despite the constant presence of the fire department, I'd say it was a great visit. I think I gained like fifteen pounds in forty-eight hours!
• Bus-a-bus gets a haircut. Flipmode!
• You know, whether it's the Digables getting back together, or, like, The Fugees or The Pixies, the message is clear: we are all getting old.
Was one Mr. Bo Fahs seen about a certain shed in a certain place called Camdonia on a secret one-day engagement? Hmm. Sources indicate that much poker and new xBOx all night dork out sessions took place with a reckless disregard for sleep. (not pictured: every video game and DVD ever produced)
• Yeah, so it's late and it's been a while. I figured I'd just load it up with pictures.
• Lastly, I was going to end with another "Rainuts is gay" links, but I have decided against it. If you want the one-stepper, ask for my sister. I will, however, provide a preview for Raiford's next Halloween costume.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
1:31 AM
• These are pictures of ladies sitting Indian-style (can you still say "Indian-style?"). The H-Bomb is notably absent. Kim didn't want her face on the internet I don't think.
• Two items for the Higginbotham file:
1. This may well be your new favorite cartoon. (via Screenhead.)
2. Burlesque Texan Roller Derby name suggestion: Super Sonar Rollerpussy. With mask!
• Aw. That's the cutest thing I've seen all day.
• I have given my name to a worthy cause. Now, give me a hoverboard.
• Hiebradond needs new clothes.
• I don't know if the video is really all that hot, but still and all Losing My Edge really captures something that I think all of us feel, in a old ass Rock and Roll Lifestyle kind of way.
• Yo it looks like there's an AKA storm a'brewin' down in the comments. Yikes!
• When it comes to webgames, minimalism=addiction. Camdonians can't possibly feel me. They're on some whole next level shit.
• Ma, Pa, & Team Fahs are all en route to Chucktown for Turkey Consumption. It ought'a be rad. Pictures? Let's hope so. Either way, happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
11:52 PM
• My first deck design for Pilot just came out! (!!) You have no idea how stoked I am. I can't even talk about it very much. Far too excited. Much more Pilot news is coming soon, so stay tuned.
• The new Fourstar DVD is the very thing fans of the Gonz have been waiting for since forever. And it really is enough to tide you over for another twenty years or so. You hear that? That's the sound of a million kids assembling big weird-ass cruising set-ups.
• I now live seven blocks from a brand spankin' new Urban Outfitters. You must know how conflicted I am about that.
• Another collection of the worst album covers ever.
• I can't believe there's a band called The Kooks and neither me nor E. Lamar Monkeyfist are in it.
• Speaking of kooks, I don't know why I am doomed to resemble every brown-haired kook
with a beard that comes along. I wish it could stop without me having to shave it off.
• Let's go, Esco! (via The Beautiful Hustle.)
• Hover chair?!
• Old Rainuts won't update his blog. I wonder what he's up to. I bet he's catching up on his reading.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
7:30 PM
● Here's a little picture I drew.
● It has been a minute. But it's not like you didn't know what I've been up to.
● More animal hatred courtesy of H-Bomb. (This shit is hilarious and pro-dolphin!)
● I've been hearing a lot about this Festival! DVD thing. I think my dad really ought to own it. And me, too, as it features a song from the venerable "Dick" FariƱa and wife.
● No word from Nebraska concerning latest HWMH developments. You know how Fahsboro feels about feedback, mang.
● In other news, the Laquitasagna has been completely demolished. I need to get on like a monthly Laquitasagna program, because it is epic. Also, I managed to get four meals out of a single serving of General Tizzao.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
1:17 AM
● Welcome to the 101st post.
● The Camdonians + The Dizzle invaded Chucktown this weekend like a band of mutton-chopped, mustachioed marauders. Regrettably, Your Boy did not, as promised, take any photos of said marauding. As such, the identities of the parties involved remains a mystery to many. I can say this, however: it was a glorious trip. Saw Cary Ann play at Redux. Went to bars. Kicked it with a Macleod if not the Macleod. Somehow managed to come away with an entire Laquitasagna completely intact. Can't hate on that.
● For a while now, me and everybody else has been apprehensive about that new Strokes joint, "Juicebox." I hated it. But then I saw the video. Not only is it kind of awesome, but it sounds like a different (better) version of the same song. I remain a Strokes apologist.
● There was a time, around 2002-2003 range, where you couldn't hear anything about the Strokes without also hearing something about the White Stripes. I continue that tradition here. Apparently they got beef with Status Ain't Hood about their new video.
● New Home Movies out tomorrow.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
1:04 PM
Archetypal Faux-guchi hipster coffee table.
● Apparently, this is where a certain Srachichan genius will be working. How fucking awesome is that? On a related note, I've been sitting on the following for a while now: Required Reading for all of those involved with Swillpro.
● My man Jush! Coming to Chucktown!Sure to tip the score in his favor! Hipping me to shit like this! (Pictures to infuriate Babyface coming soon.)
● Higginbotham (now in Texas, not in Gotham) knows these people, and they seem to be pretty darn talented.
Insanely good shit on the way? Possibly.
● Yo, I keep leaving comments on Bryson & Co.'s blog, & linking to 'em and shit. So holler back! Damn!
Posted by
The Devil Himself
2:00 PM
● New Black Stacy remix. (Featuring Nas!) The fact that Saul Williams is still largely slept-on is criminal. Seriously.
● I got this Spankrock CD the other day, and then I saw this Spankrock video.
● Lydia called me up with the following message: "They've finally done it!"
● Speaking of meats, this is like a modern day this.
● When Thwart Design hits, they hit. But sometimes they miss. Like, shouldn't the Heroin Shirt have long sleeves? (To continue the theme, they also have a bacon bracelet for sale. But two links to one website is enough, you know?)
● Might as well put this up as well.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
4:07 PM
● I can't believe there's a video for my favorite Serge Gainsbourg joint.
● I think Dio Rai Janeiro needs a nationwide cellphone plan for all its citizens. This one, I think, will fit their needs nicely.
● You have no idea how long it took me to figure out that this is what Ghostface is talking about. And then, of course, there's always this.
● Recently I heard from Hiebradond, and notes were compared, and I believe we're well on our way to stopping the drift.
● Playing to the crowd.
● I have an unbelievable amount of schoolwork to do.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
2:26 PM
● Scroll down and read Cam'ron's verse pure Dada.
● Goddamn. The comments are heating up. Part of me feels like Hova. But most of me wants to see a battle take place on CFY,K.
● In a couple of weeks, me and Babyface are going to be stoked as shit.
● Damn. Finally some good news from the Cold Vein.
● Lydia Lee came up this weekend. It was really fun. Good for her to be out of town for a minute, good for me to be out of the house for a minute. Altogether good. She didn't want me to take the following photo, but I did anyway, and I believe it came out nice, if out of focus.
● Man. It is against the rules to lift links from Catchdubs. I, however, on this day, cannot resist.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
12:15 AM
☃ A homemade Weird Al video for the H-Bomb file. And also another bizzare cataloguing of data. (both via Screenhead.)
☃ I think it's weird when you, like, discover two things simultaneously, and then they are somehow interrelated. A strange confluence. Like, I just started reading this (my new favorite?) column, Status Ain't Hood, and I just started listening to this (my new favorite?) band, Wolf Parade, and, like, right when that happened, Status Ain't Hood did a write-up on Wolf Parade. You gotta like that.
☃ Also I've had these weird correspondences with people I admire lately, for instance I had an email exchange with skateboard graphic design hero Andy Jenkins, and a nice little chat with that blogstar Fresh.
☃ Art Cats! Send potential Pilot Skateboards deck designs to me! No promises, though.
☃ Says Protocol Jack concerning The Shed's new Wi-Fi Hotspot Status: "The next technological advancement in that fuckin' shed better be some AC, yo. I can get on the internet now but I'm still sweatin' my baguettes off in there." (Or something like that.) (Damn I need a new picture of the shed. send me new pictures of the Shed, Camdonians!)
☃ You gotta like how somehow the Georgia Bulldogs, even in the midst of a perfect season, still muster up the courage to lose to Florida.
☃ check out these sick-ass Young Jeezy-style dingbats. Heh. (Halloween pics forthcoming. Holler.)
Posted by
The Devil Himself
8:36 PM
☛ First.
I gotta get it out the way.
Anyone who knew that Caravaggio killed a guy over a tennis match and didn't tell me now officially sucks. The same goes to those jerks who never let me know that Wet Hot American Summer is as awesome as it is.
☛ Hmm. It's, um, Babyshambles Junior. (It's almost sad that they rule.)
☛ Someone was saying something about how they wanted to have something like this the other day and it turns out it absolutely exists exactly, I think, how they wanted it.
☛ The Pilot Skateboards site is up. Get down or lay down, suckas.
☛ Not to offend, but seriously. The only thing gayer than a gay dude's Hollywood gossip blog is a blog that exists only to talk shit about that dude.
☛ For real. Somebody get me up on Oink or Indietorrents. What I gotta do to get invited to these shits? Ack. Holler.
☛ I gotta tell you. I miss Higginbotham commentary time. (Maybe they don't have computers in Texas.)
Posted by
The Devil Himself
1:55 AM
■ Hmmm.
■ Why Ethan does not have one of these I don't know. I think, also, that the Camdonians got a GameBoy symphony incubating that they don't even know about.
■ I will now post the reply to the e-mail message I had up earlier.
On October 22, Bo Fahs wrote:
You suck at having a phone.
I want you to know that.
I feel like I received a strange message from you last night, but it didn't translate or something. Speaking in Hiebradondic tongues on voicemail.
I will again remind you that I am not a Master of this inkling that I have had about ignoring yourself. I have been thinking about some of these issues you discussed for a while now. &, um. As far as "I" is concerned, I would say that what I've been doing when the "I" is unavoidable is, like -
James Ellroy, man. Can I say enough about him? No. He's the shit. I read some stuff he wrote about his fucked ass up post adolescence ... where he was addicted to low-grade amphetamines and broke into women's houses to sniff & steal their underclothes (no shit). And he goes with "I." But it's sort of like there's no value judgement made either way. Just kind of This Is What Happened. Is it bad to draw on your own experiences? No. Is it bad to romanticize & sentimentalize those experiences and make them something else? Probably. Am I guilty of this? Absolutely. But I'm trying.
(If I am altogether incorrect across the board, and we really are all unknowingly involved in something spiritual, and God really speaks through all of us, I would like to be known as the Marlboro Medium.)
If I were a professor, here's what I'd tell the kiddies, & so here's what I say:
If you want to write something, really, there's almost certainly a reason for it. You hear a song. You say "I want to write a song like that." So just write your own approximation of that song. Kind of. Essentially just write it, you know, again. Originality, someone was saying, is a sham anyway.
It sounds, I know, almost too easy. Too Finding Forrester. But whatever. I think it holds up. I really honestly think that if Sarchicha spent their time Destroying the Self & Copying things we'd find our own New Distinct Voices rapid-fire. I'm working on it. I suspect that Nebraska is years ahead of us on this.
As far as praise, man. I don't know. The thing, I think, with us, is that the ego is fragile on both ends. Ready to blow out of control at the first mention of "genius," and concurrently ready to crumble under the weight of Living Up to That.
It's a dangerous deal.
(image via Crunk&Disorderly.)
■ You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't spit into the wind. And you sure as shit don't shoot Cam'ron. (I have a feeling dude's better off if the cops get him.)
Posted by
The Devil Himself
8:25 PM
☁ I like nothing better than an obsessive comprehensive cataloging.
☁ Groovy Babes. (via Musicthing.)
☁ Skritch=Brian Dennehey? (It's about time.)
☁ "Continuance"
On Oct 22, 2005, at 2:29 PM, Nick difonzo wrote:
and so it is.....
Many more questions of the self/ego prescence in the "work". Is it about perspective always? You know like speaking from a perspective outside of your own? I wonder if my own work is still too egocentric? How can it not be and what does it exactly mean to be egocentric? Is it now bad for business to draw on my own expierences and own observations and speak in the first person? Really I seem to be criticized often for being too self referential in my work and yet I don't quite understand how to not be. I don't think writing topical material is the way out either. I find myself mired into fitting other's expectations of my art, especially from people who don't create it themselves. Aren't they themselves being egocentric and trying to mold me in their own image? I could be totally fucked up about the whole thing, I know that, but it is difficult to progress sometimes when people lob grena! des into your cipher. Friends and their critical involvement in your process is difficult especially when there are taste incongruencies at play.
It seems the sunlight of our plantlife is praise. "Props is a true thug's wife...",etc. Is it wrong to seek accolade and fame? Somebody says you just cant decide to be a rockstar, but isn't that what all of heroes did? Destiny is retroactive. It's easy to say holy rays of heaven guided every step after the fact. Does impetus and development ever lie? I don't think so. Again I could be totally fucked up over the whole thing. Do you have to contrive a message out of what you are saying? I don't think you do. I don't know. I guess I don't have any real opinions about "issues" or whatever. I read something that quoted Elliot Smith as saying something to the effect of "I am just trying to reflect what its like to be a person living." I feel that that is how I operate and yet when the truth of what I say is called into question, then I feel the truth of my being is called into question and that is not a good feeling as I am sure you can agree.
Apologies for the length of this confused prattle but things got drunk and heated last night and I still had echoes of arguments ringing in the morning so I felt it best to address them to a knowledgable third party. If you have any comments on the matter please write me back, if you have no reply, I think I would understand that just as well.
{Fahsboro's Official Response coming soon. Stay Tuned. - R. Ronsonol.}
Posted by
The Devil Himself
3:27 PM
Have I been wearing out engadgetreferrals? Well. Yes. But still. If Benware and Shamanz and the Genius could put one of these together, I would pour the gravy myself.
This man passed me on the highway the other day. For real. I am not sure how I feel about that.
Stakes is high right now. (click "channel nine" after the jump. - via Tha Beast.)
I think I may have found Lydia's calling.
There's been a lack of updates lately, man. No one is more aware than me. I think the shit ton of work I have got going right now has something to do with it.
More sooner than later.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
11:40 PM
★ Rai Chile put me on this shit that stole like six hours from me before I knew what was going on. If you beat this thing on the first try, apply for work at a think tank. Because you rule.
★ I usually don't get too stoked on T-shirts, but goddamn!
★ Camdonia's new favorite website?
★ Apple: crazy like a fox. (Best thing I've ever read on Engadget.)
★ Oh wait up. Maybe this is Camdonia's new favorite website. At least Babyface's.
★ I'm going to the double-s for a birthday bonanza.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
3:01 PM
➊ Every once in a while, somebody comes along and starts blowing my mind. It was Wallace Stevens for a while. Richard FariƱa for the longest. (It still is, really.) But right now this cat Charles Simic is fucking me up. (Multiple links.)
➋ Man. Yeah. Get it out of the way. I'll say this: if you're going to tote a man-purse, the only way to really even keep it somewhere close to gangster is rocking an Army surplus map bag. But, uh. Mine's actually khaki.
➌ I just recently heard this Juelz Santana joint called "Murda Murda" - over a twisted "Welcome to Jamrock" sample. Cam's on it. His verse starts: "Killa killa / mo' killin' killin' / for killa killa." For some reason, this has everything to do with why I think the new DVD will be fucking fire. Goonie goo goo. (holler at Canary Burgundy.)
➍ You got to give it up to those merciless jerks over at Apple. All they do all day long is think of ways to engender insane product lust in customers new and old. Video iPods? Whatever. Now you can pay money to watch old ass (if still somewhat sick) videos. (Fuck it. Get iTunes.
➎ Usually I try and treat The Fader as a jumping-off point. You know? Because I don't want to have my taste dictated exclusively by a publication. That being said, the kid Catch wrote a review of this video game soundtrack in the new one. I know. But I am here to tell you that it is in fact the fire. (It says it's coming out the 18th, but I got mine, like, at a store.) Brett! What's the story on this shit?
➏ Yo, fuck what you heard. That movie Slackers is the shit.
➐ Rai Chile! Step your blog game up, dog! (Don't feel too bad. Skritch is slackin' like a muh fucker, too.)
➑ There has been some serious correspondence going down between Fahsboro and Hiebradond. I was gonna run excerpts, but it's maybe too involved.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
12:01 AM
● So Kris, former Property Patroller, current computer genius, sent me the above picture of his lady. But what I found most interesting is the righteous Bojangles T-shirt dude in the back is rocking. (Click picture for larger version.) For a while I was like, where in the hell do you get one of those? And then I found out one way. But I was still like I bet the badass in the picture, like, won his in a fight.
● Luis Guzman is gangster as fuck.
● There's two kinds of Rai Chile comment baiting. There's the linking to something I think he'd enjoy method. And then there's the linking to something I know that he would benefit from platinum plus package.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
2:37 AM
(A successor to the Gitane Non-Blonde?)
♠ More on those Basquiat kicks. I still say that they stradle the line between awesome and abominable. I cannot, however, say that these particular shots of 'em are exactly focused.
♣ I don't know if you guys ever got hip to James Ellroy. If you did, then perhaps you would be interested in reading an interview with a quasi-legendary accordian player. But, you know, if not, I highly recommend you go and get hip.
♥ Holy shit. And Dame Dash was there? (Don't pretend you don't love rap beefs. Especially those not involving 50. Because no one believes you.)
♦ My dad came into town today and we had a great time. I am now fat & happy. It didn't seem like we did anything all day, but really we got some shit done. First things first, there is now a new recording of "The Real Bo Fahs" as produced by The Devil Himself of a classic talking blues jawn. (it is not quite yet on the way, Shamanzo. Tomorrow - today - is Sunday. But soon man soon.) And then I somehow got the new album from that band I sometimes suspect that I am the only fan of. But maybe in what will prove most important, we were having a talk and telling old stories and the DadMan managed to inadvertently breathe New Life into an Old Project. And so not it's on. I just with I had a legal pad right now.
(Let the RaiChile comment baiting begin!)
Posted by
The Devil Himself
2:24 AM
✕ I just keep drawing these weird old man faces. And then I think I'm going to, you know, do something with 'em. And then I guess I do, because I keep putting 'em up on here.
✕ I must tell you I wanted desperately to hate on the Reebok Basquiat shoe, but it is undeniably dope as fuck.
✕ More sneaker-related news that maybe only I - and possibly Oakland, too - care about: There's a pretty good Koston interview by retrokid at solecollector.
✕ In still more sneaker news: (I can't even afford new shoes. So it's like. I don't know. I am kind of fascinated with sneaker culture. But I might as well read fucking Robb Report. I do have these, though. So.) White Dunk has some cool slash really boring art shit on it.
✕ Babyface wants us all to know about GameTap. He also recently added thirty-nine TVs to the Shed so now he never has to change the channel again. But he still has to pee in the yard.
✕ I'm so dumb as hell. But this is my favorite shit ever.
✕ Man. All day long, I was caught up in the ex-girlfriend crossfire. Luckily the H-Bomb comments sexy.
✕ All across Nebraska, October is one long holiday.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
12:31 AM
✖ I just put a new addition up in the Steever Studios in my mind.
✖ So. Of course I got the new Fiona. You know how Tuesdays go in Fahsboro. It's, um. Really great. and if you cop the Dualdisc - and seriously. Why would you not buy the Dualdisc? You want it. (Keep it.) Anyway. It comes with all these videos. Live performances with the baddest motherfucker alive at the only spot in LA that's worth it. But also this home-video style thing shot around Venice. It brings to mind the sense of "confirmation" that Walker Percy talked about because I'm like, "I drove down that fucking road every damn day." And not to starfuck or nothin', but I bet that that lady secretly lived at like six forty seven.
✖ Some Japanese vending envy that somehow did not make it onto Tha Tap.
✖ There's this thing I'm slowly learning about leaving myself (read: my self) out of my work. I don't know. I certainly do not have it mastered by a damn sight. But I'm starting to see my way around in there. And I think it's going to end up being, like, the Next Step and something that Sarchichans could stand to look into. Because it seems to me that if we could marry the no-self-included in our art with the celebration-of-self that goes on in our lives we'd be seriously onto something. Not that we in Sarchicha aren't onto something already. What's that thing they say about self-improvement vs. self-destruction in that one movie?
✖ Genius Walter! I'm having a fuckton of ideas. We gotta speak on it.
✖ A Bathing Ape's site is up. But you have to download the shit. Which is weird. But, they're not exactly known for being easy.
That one cat Justin from that, like, used to work at Capone's next to Fluids was just on Jeopardy. (Scroll down after the jump.) How fucking awesome is that?
Posted by
The Devil Himself
10:55 PM
✖ {All citizens of Nebraska might want to cover their eyes and ears. Thanks. - Rodney Ronsonol, Editor} Holy Fuck! He speaks! {Yo, man. I warned you. - RR}
✖ Man. It's like the cobrasnake grew titties.
✖ I'm not sure I've ever smelled a roadtrip like how I smell a roadtrip right now.
✖ My glorious youth? Keep it. My innocence? Whatevs. I just want my motherfucking Jordan VII's back, goddammit.
✖ Porous Walker. Ruling.
✖ In the spirit of one Anvil Rabbit of Hiebradond, I'd like to present a little poem I've written called After Some Difficulty With the Windsor Knot:
Caught doubled over
in a swift and furious moment.
A "Stag at Sharkey's" kind of moment.
There's pink and green on an x-y axis.
The famous actor,
now dead young,
had his head down and to the left.
His chin brushed his lapel.
He resisted the touch of a disembodied hand.
Three mudcaked topless women
stand in the garden around the side
of a white house.
All a bit fat.
Out of total photocopied black,
white fire wraps around a tall "X,"
illuminating Southern California.
An unsmiling child looks
out from his home in some
housing projects in Queens.
Already aware that Sleep and Death
share antecedents.
A man in boots and blue jeans,
head tucked down,
a lady on his arm,
walking down the center of a snowy street.
✖ Happy Birthday, Babyface.
Posted by
The Devil Himself
7:02 PM